  • 學位論文


Negative Employment Relationship and Effectiveness: The Compatible Effect of Multi-foci Employment and Moderating Effect of Job Embeddedness

指導教授 : 鄭伯壎




The current study was design to investigate the effects of negative employment relationship (psychological contract violation and abusive supervision) with employees’ behavioral (performance and organizational citizenship behavior) , and attitudinal (organizational identification) responses, and to examine the moderating role of job embeddedness. According to social exchange theory, employees’ behaviors and attitudes toward organization should be strongly related to organizational-relevant factors. While on the other hand, employees’ behaviors and attitudes toward supervisor should relate more to immediate manager relevant factors. Data were collected from 190 employees of various industries in Taiwan. As expected, the negative relationship between abusive supervision and performance was stronger than the relationship between psychological contract violation and performance. The relationship between psychological contract violation and organizational identification was stronger than the relationship between abusive supervision and organizational identification. However, no significant differences were found for the negative relationship of psychological contract violation and organizational citizenship behavior with the relationship of abusive supervision and organizational citizenship behavior. Secondly, when job embeddedness was high, the relationship between abusive supervision and performance was weaker than when job embeddedness was low. The negative relationship between psychological contract violation and organizational identification was stronger when job embeddedness was high, and so did the negative relationship between abusive supervision and organizational identification. Further discussion focuses on the theoretical and practical implications of observed outcomes.


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