  • 學位論文


Licensing, Tariffs, and Social Welfare

指導教授 : 黃鴻




The aim of this paper is to study the effects of a tariff policy on social welfare and international technology transfer. We not only construct a duopolistic trade model but also apply royalty licensing to it. Besides, we compare the optimal tariff rate and social welfare under different licensing contracts. Under royalty licensing, technology transfer always occurs, and tariff rates decrease consumer surplus. With the assumption of the linear market demand, we find that the optimal tariff rate under royalty (fixed-fee) licensing is the highest (lowest), social welfare under fixed-fee (royalty) licensing is the highest (lowest), and both are in-between under two-part tariff licensing. Besides, we consider a model with one private firm competing with one partially privatized public firm in a domestic market under fixed-fee licensing and assume that the market demand is linear. We find that the tariff, which induces technology transfer, increases with the degree of privatization; furthermore, technology transfer always occurs under a low privatization degree. Additionally, the optimal tariff rate is prohibitive when the degree of privatization is significantly low.


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