  • 學位論文


Expression system of a paenibacillus- derived Xylanase in pichia pastoris.

指導教授 : 柯淳涵


木聚醣為木材及植物生質中的重要主成分,而木聚醣水解酶可水解木聚醣,降低其分子量,並廣泛應用於製漿、畜牧、食品產業中。本研究將之胺基酸T44A取代之變異Paenibacillus木聚醣水解酶基因xylX-H1,轉殖於酵母菌Pichia pastoris上。以Pichia pastoris做為蛋白質表現系統,具有將蛋白質正確摺疊、轉錄後修飾並分泌等特性,以利於商業上大量生產。本研究利用Pichia pastoris表現系統表達基因,在原本的DNA上接上引子,引入外來基因的表現載體pPIC9K,再轉殖入Pichia pastoris SMD1168中。本研究以小量搖瓶培養探討重組Pichia pastoris生產木聚醣水解酶(XylX-H1),並透過活性分析並找出最佳培養條件。結果顯示加入 1% (w/v)甲醇誘導96 hr後,可產生最佳的酵素活性。比較兩株不同載體的轉形株,以pPIC9K為載體的轉形株活性為9171 U/mg,較pPICZaA為載體的轉型株4461 U/mg高。搖瓶培養分析結果以溶氧量20 ppm、起始誘導菌量數OD600 30為最佳培養條件。以相同條件生產五公升發酵槽生產的木聚糖酶活性高達7693 U/mg。而轉殖後的XylX-H1水解樺木木聚醣產物,以木二醣為最多占水解產物42%,木三醣次之占39%。此外,分泌出來的酵素在置於酸性條件pH3.5下1hr後,保有84%的酵素活性,置於於pH2.5下1 hr,仍然可以保持62%的酵素活性,顯示此酵素具有耐酸的特性。未來可望應用於食品以達到腸胃保健功效,或應用於飼料上提升養分消化率。


木聚醣酶 重組蛋白 發酵


Xylan is one of the major components of wood and plant biomass. Xylanases hydrolyze xylanase and are widely applied in pulp & paper, animal feeding and food industries. xylX-H1, a T44A amino acid substitution mutant derived from Paenibacillus xylX, has been cloned in Pichia pastoris. Protein expression systems using Pichia pastoris can correctly fold, conduct post-translation modification and secretion. The above systems could be easily expended to a commercial scale. This study constructed a Pichia pastoris expression system, ligate a primer on the original DNA, clone the ligated DNA into the vector pPIC9K and then transform into Pichia pastoris SMD1168. This study investigated production of recombinant xylanase (XylX-H1) by shake flask fermentations, and optimal production conditions were analyzed. Results showed that the optimal enzyme activities were induced by 1% methanol induction after 96 hours. Transformed Pichia strains cloned with pPIC9K and pPICZaA produced 9171 and 4461 and U xylanase/mg protein. Other optimal parameters found were starting dissolved oxygen at 20 ppm and starting OD600 at 30 during shake flask fermentation runs. 5 L fermentation runs produced expressed XylX-H1 at 7693 U/mg. Hydrolyzing birchwood xylan by expressed XylX-H1 for 24 hours produced 42 % xylobiose and 39 % xylotriose. Expressed XylX-H1 retained 84 and 62 % activities after being subjected to pH 2.5 and 3.5 over 1 hour. Hence, it showed XylX-H1 is acid-tolerant and could be gastronomically applied in human and animals for probiotic and enhancing meat yields purposes.


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