  • 學位論文


An Analysis of the Development and Business Model of Entertainment Agencies

指導教授 : 陳文華


娛樂經紀工作為娛樂圈內工作者和需求者搭起溝通的橋樑。國內的娛樂產業已發展至競爭白熱化的程度。各種規模、類型的經紀公司各擁山頭、各自以其認為之競爭優勢經營發展。長久以來,娛樂經紀公司及經紀工作之推展,多以師徒經驗傳承之方式運行,缺乏系統化之商業經營方式。而其中,小型經紀公司之經營,由於資金規模較小,媒體及行銷資源上皆較為缺乏,若再缺乏特殊專業之利基,經營上將面臨困境。 研究以訪談歸納、文獻整理之方式,總結並分析三家娛樂經紀公司之經營方式,並以商業模式之組成架構,分析各公司各自之商業模式。最後,針對資本規模小且缺乏特殊專業利基之小型經紀公司,透過內外環境及競爭優勢之分析,提出其可能之商業模式修正方向。 研究發現,資本規模之差異影響媒體行銷資源多寡,而特殊之專業利基,可以補強行銷資源之不足。對於資本規模小且不具特殊專業利基之經紀公司,除持續加強發展特殊之專業利基外,也應利用媒體發達眾多的特性,由終端使用者引導出媒體的報導熱度,補足其媒體資源不足之劣勢。


娛樂產業 經紀 商業模式 媒體 模特兒 藝人


Entertainment Agents bridge the connections between the suppliers and the demanders among the entertainment industry. The entertainment industry in Taiwan has become perfectly competitive these days. Agencies of every scale and every scope have their market positions, running the business with their competitive strengths. It has been a long time that most entertainment agencies and agents are passed through successors, which lack of systematic business management. Among the agencies, those with less funds lack media and marketing approaches due to limited resources. Furthermore, if the firms also lack of specialty niche, they will face difficulties to develop their businesses. Through conducting the interviews and documents research, the research analyzed and summarized the business operations, concluding the business models of the three agencies. In the end, applying industry and SWOT analysis, the research tried to make some recommendations to the agency with less capital and with no specialty niche. The research discovered that the fund scale influence the marketing resources, however, the specialty can indemnify this weakness. For the agencies with small capital and little specialty, they should still try to build their specialties, meanwhile, use the trends resulted from internet end users could indemnify the weakness of few marketing resources.


entertainment industry agent agencies business model media model artist


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Bridgeland, D. M. and Zahavi, R., 2009, “Business Modeling”, 1st ed., NY, Morgan Kaufmann OMG Press
