  • 學位論文


Determination of Small-Strain Dynamic Shear Modulus and Damping Ratio of Partially Saturated Laterite from Linkou Tableland by Resonant Column Test

指導教授 : 郭安妮


紅土多分布在熱帶及亞熱帶地區,因為高溫多雨導致劇烈的淋洗作用,使大多數的鹽分或礦物溶解水中被洗出,只留下難溶於水的氧化鐵及氧化鋁,其中氧化鐵是導致土壤呈紅色的主要原因。 Schellmann (1983)曾提出紅壤化三角分類法,將土壤依據土中的不同化學成分(通常是氧化鐵、氧化鋁、二氧化矽及其相關化合物)分類,以鑑別紅土化程度。其中,土壤中的氧化鐵及和樂土(即矽酸鋁類的黏土礦物)是影響紅土性質的主要因素,除了Schellmann的化學分類法,亦有其他方法可粗略鑑定土壤中氧化鐵的含量,如孟賽爾顏色辨別系統,即可以土壤顏色鑑別其紅土化程度,另外還有掃描式電子顯微鏡的半定量元素分析,都是本研究中所採用的方法。 林口作為一個快速發展的城市,我們有必要了解其地動特性。紅土層廣泛分布在其臺地表面,位於地下水位之下的飽和紅土性質已有不少人研究,但不飽和紅土的動態特性則還有研究的空間,因此本研究利用共振柱試驗,取林口臺地三個不同區域的近地表土壤,經由處理後進行試驗,希冀能求得林口臺地不飽和紅土的剪力模數、阻尼比等,並藉以供工程界設計時參考。


Lateritic soil usually locates in the tropical and subtropical regions. Lateritization is one of the principal pedogenic processes acting on soils. Under high temperature and heavy precipitations, there would be heavy weathering of rocks and minerals. Leaching of soil would occur as water runs through the soil. As a result, base ions, except iron and aluminum, would move out of soil. Many past studies had been performed to investigate the characteristics of saturated lateritic soil. Only few researches focus on the characteristics of unsaturated lateritic soil. In this study, lateritic soils from three different areas of Linkou Tableland were collected. Resonant column tests were performed to evaluate the small-strain dynamic properties of unsaturated lateritic soil, including the shear modulus and damping ratio. Impact of iron oxide content, degrees of saturation, and confining pressure on these small strain properties were examined. Finally, empirical model for estimating maximum shear modulus and minimum damping ratio was developed.


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