  • 學位論文


Allocation of cost savings in information sharing supply chain using cooperative game theory- A case of the tourism souvenir supply chain

指導教授 : 洪一薰


隨著網際網路的發展,互聯網以及電子商務的蓬勃發展,在供應鏈中,資訊共享這個議題被視為節省成本最重要的關鍵。透過資訊共享的方式,可以幫助供應鏈的上游也就是供應商更加精準的預測市場上的需求,進而減少過多庫存所產生的成本或是缺貨的成本,大幅節省供應鏈中的成本,減少長鞭效應所帶來的影響。在過去一般的供應鏈當中,雖然也有許多利用資訊共享的方式來節省供應鏈中的成本,但並沒有結合現在的趨勢去解決供應鏈中各個成員要如何分攤成本的問題。 本研究針對供應鏈結合現在趨勢的商業模式,建構一個資訊平台,透過這個資訊平台可以掌握整個市場的動向,更加準確的知道消費者的相關資訊,利用資訊共享的方式,讓供應鏈中各個成員互相合作,目的是為了大幅縮減整個供應鏈中的成本以及獲得最佳的成本分擔,並且探討不同種聯盟可行的合作情況下,何種模式最能節省更多成本,計算出此種模式各個成員應該如何分擔成本。因此,本研究會提出合作賽局模型,以特徵函數來表示不同合作情況下節省的成本,並檢驗是否符合合作賽局的穩定性,透過合作賽局的重要概念,核心解、核仁解以及夏普利值分配各個成員的成本,期望最後能找出供應鏈中最佳的合作模式。


With the development of Internet and e-commerce, the issue of information sharing is considered the most important key to the cost savings. Through information sharing, it can help the upstream player, which is manufacturer predict the demand of the market accurately. Further, it can reduce the costs of excess inventory or the costs of out of stock. It can also reduce a great influence of the bullwhip effect. In the past, although there are a lot of methods to use information sharing to save the cost, it does not combine the current trend to allocate the cost of the player in the supply chain. In this study, we construct the platform and develop a new business model in the supply chain. We can use the platform to obtain the demand information and cooperate with each other to implement information sharing. The goal is to save the more costs and obtain the optimal allocation in the supply chain. Therefore, we use the cooperative game theory to analyze and allocate the cost savings. Finally, we can find the optimal cooperation in the supply chain. Specifically, we concern with the tourism souvenir supply chain as an example.


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