  • 學位論文


The use of human resource forecasting model for customer Service on core process in finance services industry

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥
共同指導教授 : 陳俊忠(Chun-Chung Chen)


台灣是一個以中小企業為主要結構的經濟體,中小企業以其彈性、靈活、與效率等優勢,加上企業主們勤勞苦幹的創業精神,融合此一優勢條件,創造出許許多多台灣的經濟奇蹟。而在這些中小企業快速發展的背後,擔任起堅實保守穩健營運資金提供者的國內金融服務機構,功不可沒。近期在台海雙方簽署兩岸金融合作協議,開啟兩岸金融產業合作契機,重新點燃了台灣金融機構的一片生機與希望。除了台資金融機構可登陸掌握壯大經濟的機會外,台商企業也可獲得台資金融機構的授信與資金的挹助。除此之外,對於長期處於過度競爭、飽和的國內金融服務業而言,可說是注入一股新的活水,兩岸金融合作可望大步向前行,為台灣金融業打開一扇大門。 在這重要關鍵的時刻,完善精進的人力資源規劃,係企業組織發展重要的根基之一。組織要永續經營與發展,精良的人才與先進的人力規劃模式,更是不可缺少的重要因子。一個好的人力規劃模式能依據組織成長與發展的需要,在不同時點據以推估所需人力,事先預測規劃並採取具體有效的行動,適時提供適足的人才,確保組織在最佳服務水準之下,發揮組織之效能,降低人力資源配置不當所產生成本浪費,協助企業完成所欲達成的目標。 本研究以中小企業為主力客戶群的一家國內金融服務業為案例,蒐集並分析其核心營運流程各階段作業所需之後台服務人力等原始數據資料,結合建立一套較為準確的動態性客服人力配置需求預測模式,同時考慮最小化人力閒置與人力不足客訴商譽損失成本總和,藉由最佳服務水準求取最適之人力配置決策,用以改善目前僵化的人力配置調度方法,進而達到彈性調度與最小人力成本。最後,再利用本研究所建構的模型效果與現況進行驗證比較,求得所能產生的效益與成本優勢。如今,兩岸在雙方善意提出攜手合作發展,是百年來關鍵且極為重要的時刻,金融服務業者莫不蓄勢待發。同樣在永續發展長期經營的目標下,何者能比其他同業更快速回應市場客戶需求又兼具彈性精簡的營運組織模式,創新突破改善營運體質,並有效降低佔營運費用支出最大比率之人力成本,由內而外的以最適服務水準人力配置下,提昇顧客服務作業流程效率。如此,整合企業人力資源在最有效率的配置上增加公司整體競爭力,為此一關鍵時刻,爆發優勢的地位掌握創造更多的商業契機。


The majority of economic entities in Taiwan are small and medium enterprises. Along with the advantage of flexibility, adaptability, and efficiency, these hard working entrepreneurs have continued to create economical miracles in Taiwan. In support of the rapid development of these enterprises, Taiwan’s regional financial institutions have played an important role at providing available working capital consistently. Recently Cross-strait Financial Cooperation Agreement mutually signed by Taiwan and mainland China began to promote financial exchange and cooperation across the Taiwan straits. It also rejuvenates the financial industry in Taiwan. Not only can Taiwanese financial institutions take the first step towards the tremendous market opportunities in mainland China, but also, Taiwanese enterprises operating in mainland China can directly access capital and credit from the Taiwanese financial industry. To these regional financial institutions being long in a highly competitive and oversaturated financial environment, the cross-strait financial cooperation agreement is expected to revitalize the financial services sector. An excellent workforce and an advanced human resource planning model are the two key factors to the continuing success of an organization. A good human resource planning can forecast manpower requirements at different time and locations based on actual demand at various stages of organizational development, and take appropriate actions in providing sufficient staff to ensure good quality of service but not over staffing. The purpose of this case study, which is based on a regional financial institution mainly serving small and medium enterprises, is to collect and analyze human resource allocation data as required at various stages of its core business operations, and build a human resource demand forecasting model. Meanwhile, considering a balance between minimizing idle manpower and reducing the cost of bad services caused by a temporary shortage of manpower, this model can be used to improve a rigid workforce assignment system via flexible scheduling method and to minimize human resource costs. Finally, conducting a comparison on the cost and effectiveness of a new scheduling system using this model vs. the current system can lead to a more competitive advantage. Now is a critical moment for financial service industry. By integrating operational system with advanced human resource planning an organization can dramatically improve its productivity and provide high quality of service at less cost, therefore, enhance its overall competitiveness.


