  • 學位論文


The Application of Disruptive Innovation Theory on the Business Strategies of Television & Digital Content Enterprises

指導教授 : 蔡揚宗


本研究旨在就「數位匯流」和「科技整合」的大媒體潮衝擊之下,探討台灣電視事業和數位內容產業的營運策略。經由創新理論的文獻分析,擇定克里斯汀生等的「破壞性創新理論」,詮釋上開產業的競爭環境,變化跡象及致勝策略。以當前一片混沌又蓬勃發展的數位跨業經營的新舊經營者而言,如何突破經營困境,滿足多元的消費者需求,借用低階市場的破壞性創新和新市場的破壞性創新可為經營者提供借鑑。企業的機會在哪?寬頻數位化的前景在哪?從理論研析的探究到個案分析的實證,以提供電視及數位內容產業經營者深度思考的參考。 本研究發現,以創新的十項定義和破壞性創新的例證而言,許多與以往的認知有所不同;多數的創新都相當平凡,只要賦予資源新的能力或能量,運用改變,就是以構成創新行為;創新也不一定涉及科技問題,社會創新比科技創新影響更為深遠;創新也不必是高風險,而是「資源最大化」的過程;尋找改變,因應改變,利用改變掌握「不一致的狀況」就是創新機會的來源。 本研究結論提出「顧客面的創新」包括一、以需求為中心,二、以價格為中心,以價值為中心的三大類九種策略創新,以及「經營面的創新」包括一、以傳輸科技為中心,二、以產品服務為中心的二大類六種策略。 本研究建議方面,本研究在代表性個別創新策略上,分別以電視節目編排策略十項的創新運用,和寬頻產業的定價策略的十三項創新運用,並作實例操作說明,其具體經營策略如下: 一、電視節目編排策略的創新運用 (一)維持性創新運用 1.帶狀策略(Stripe Programming) 2.棋盤策略(Checkerboard Programming) 3.吊床策略(Hammocking Programming) 4.區段策略(Block Programming) (二)新市場破壞性創新運用 1.反向策略(Counter Programming) 2.導入策略(Lead in Programming) 3.帳棚策略(Tent-Poling Programming) (三)低階市場破壞性創新運用 1.阻擾策略(Stunting Programming) 2.橋樑策略(Bridging Programming) 3.針鋒相對策略(Head to head Programming) 二、數位寬頻定價策略的創新運用 (一)維持性創新運用 1.單一價位策略(Flat Pricing) 2.優先價位策略(Priority Pricing) 3.預定價位策略(Reservation Pricing) 4.時段差別價位策略(Time of Day Pricing) (二)新市場破壞性創新運用 1.傳輸拍賣策略(Transport Auction) 2.動態頻寬策略(Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation) (三)低階市場破壞創新運用 1.差別定價策略(Discriminate Pricing) 2.數量折扣策略(Quantity Discounts) 3.二階段費率策略(Two-Part Tariff) 4.區段費率策略(Block Tariff) 5.可替代性產品線定價策略(A product line of Partial Substitutes) 6.組合定價策略(Bundle Pricing) 7.時間性差別定價策略(Temporal price Discrimination) 至於綜合性整體創新策略本研究建議如下: 一、整體創新策略 1.變動策略(高視野策略) 2.價值策略(新價值策略) 3.先佔策略(搶市場策略) 4.學習策略(團隊型策略) 5.精進策略(競爭型策略) 二、掌握被動存在狀況的創新機會 1.意料之外的事件 2.不一致的狀況 3.基於程序需要的創新 4.產業或市場結構的改變 5.人口的變動 6.認知情緒及意義上的改變 7.新知識 三、主動發掘的積極創新思維 1.發現各種可能的機會 2.打破既有的遊戲規則 3.在有限中追求無限大


This study is to discuss the business strategies of Taiwan’s TV & digital content entrepreneurs on the impact of “mega media Tide” under the environment of “Digital Convergence” &“Technic Integration”。 According to the analysis of bibliography of Innovation Theories,the researcher selects the “Disruptive Theory” of Clayton M. Christensen , Scott D. Anthony & Erik A. Roth to interpret the competitive situation, variable footprints & winning strategies of TV & digital content enterprises. Facing to chaotic & flourishing digital TV & content markets, the business managers of digital convergence corporate ought to consider how to resolute the bottlenecks & obstacles of TV & Broad-band markets, They must satisfy consumers needs, wants & demands, otherwise they will fade away from the markets. This study is to prompt the businessmen of this market’s to develop potential consumers by using both low-hierarchy market’s disruptive innovations & new market’s disruptive innovations strategy. What’s the new opportunities of the innovation? Where is the target audience of digital broadband service? This study by researching disruptive innovation theories and analyzing innovative cases, this thesis provides TV & digital contents managers with operation frameworks to assist business innovators for their furthermore success. It suggests ten new definitions of innovation which explain disruptive innovation with historical real examples that different from the former knowledge such as the most innovations are very fair, if you could give the new capacity or usage of resources you would be innovators if you could. Change the manufacture procedures or service process it should construct innovative behaviors. Both science & technical innovations & social or economic innovations are creative new resources. The Latter is more important & more influent than the former. Innovations are not high risk mission but the procedures of “resources enlargement”. The source of innovations are face to changes,& do changes etc. The conclusions of this thesis have two dimensions one is the innovations of consumer’s dimensions, which includes: 1.Demand-oriented consumers (needs, want & demands) 2.Value-oriented consumers.(basic, usage & add values) 3.Price-oriented consumers(Low,High & Free Prices) The other is managerial dimensions, which includes: 1.Focus on transaction technics (Product attributes & individual attributes) 2.Focus on operate services(Interactive, data base,& environment attribute services) The different strategies satisfy different consumers. This thesis also provides studying suggestions concerning Innovation strategies, in case, the researchers suggests two parts of individual innovative strategies the first is “TV programming arrangement strategies” which include 3 categories & 10 strategies. 1.sustaining Innovations: Stripe Programming(帶狀策略) Checkerboard Programming(棋盤策略) Hammocking Programming(吊床策略) Block Programming(區段策略) 2.New marketing disruptive innovations: Counter Programming(反向策略) Lead in Programming(導入策略) Tent-Poling Programming(帳棚策略) 3.Low-hierarchy marketing disruptive innovations: Stunting Programming(阻擾策略) Bridging Programming(橋樑策略) Head to head Programming(針鋒相對策略) The second is “Digital Broadband Pricing Strategies, which include 3 Categories & 13 strategies: 1.Sustaining Innovations: Flat Pricing(單價位策略) Priority Pricing(優先價位策略) Reservation Pricing(預定價位策略) Time of Day Pricing(時段差別價位策略) 2.New marketing disruptive innovations: Transport Auction(傳輸拍賣策略) Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation(動態頻寬策略) 3.Low hierarchy marketing disruptive innovations: Discriminate Pricing(差別定價策略) Quantity Discounts(數量折扣策略) Two-Part Tariff(二階段費率策略) Block Tariff(區段費率策略) A product line of Partial Substitutes(可替代性產品線定價策略) Bundle Pricing(組合定價策略) Temporal Price Discrimination(時間性差別定價策略) The other suggestions of this paper are concerned with integrating synergy strategy of TV & Digital content corporations, which include: 1.Flexibility & High-vision strategy. 2.Value & new Segmentation strategy. 3.Preemption & Marketing pacemaker strategy. 4.Organizational Learning & Team-development strategy. 5.Struggle-up & Competiveness Strategy. This study also notices & mentions “7 passive existent innovative opportunities”: 1.to manipulate the accident issues. 2.to find the incongruity between markets. 3.to prompt the necessary innovation which is based on procedure creativeness. 4.to understand the variabilities of industries & marketing structure. 5.to utilize the mobilization of marketing populations according to survey & statistics. 6.to consider the consumer’s motivated emotion & value-viewpoints. 7.to absorb new knowledge. Studying, searching & finding” All possible innovative opportunities” by filtering “ideal funnel” to dismiss the quantity and guaranty the quality of innovations is important. Do the best & be the first with sophiscated thought & foresight vision the innovator-especially disruptive innovators is the “Last winner among TV & digital content providers.


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