  • 學位論文


Neoconservatism and George W. Bush Administration’s Global Strategy

指導教授 : 張亞中


本論文研究目的,主要探討新保守主義對美國小布希政府第一任期全球戰略的影響,重點包括:美國新保守主義的重要內涵、新保守主義與現實主義及小布希政府外交團隊成員的戰略思維,新保守主義與小布希政府全球戰略的形成、實踐與影響,內容含括:新保守主義運動與冷戰後的全球戰略、「九一一事件」前後的小布希政府外交戰略、全球霸權、單邊行動及先發制人戰略。 本論文研究發現,包括: 第一,美國必須維持其霸權地位,以防止潛在的競爭者挑戰其實力。 第二,美國必須推崇實力外交,以單邊行動遂行其國家利益。 第三,美國必須以軍事力量解決國際問題,包括先發制人戰略。 第四,美國必須向非民主國家輸出自由民主及自由市場資本主義。 第五,新保守派堅持以軍事力量為中心,並將之作為外交政策手段的組合。他們對全球穩定和美國安全的因應方案,是「美國實力的單邊運作」和「全球民主的提昇」。


The objective of this thesis is focus on neoconservatism and George W. Bush Administration’s Global Strategy during the first term. In order to demonstrate this, the thesis firstly seeks clearly to examine the key elements of neoconservatism, neoconservatism and realism, and the strategic thinking in Bush foreign policy team; secondly goes on to to examine the formation, practice and constrain of Bush global strategy. Such as: the neoconservative moment and American global strategy after post-cold war, the Bush administration’s foreign strategy before and after 9/11, global hegemony, unilateral solutions, and preemptive strategy. The findings are as follow: 1. The United States should sustain its position as hegemony and prevent the emergence of any rivals to its power. 2.America should use its power to seek unilateral solutions if this is to its national interest. 3.The United States should more often recognize the necessity of military solutions to international problems, including preemptive strategy. 4.America should export Western liberal democracy and free-market capitalism to undemocratic countries. 5.Global democracy promotion and the reliance on the unilateral exercise of American force is the neoconservative formula for global stability as well as American security.


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