  • 學位論文


Changing to Innovation Agility: The Moderating Effects of Environmental Uncertainty and Organization Learning Competency

指導教授 : 吳玲玲
共同指導教授 : 魏志平(Chih-Ping Wei)




This study investigates the impact of organization learning competency and innovation agility and proposes a new measure of innovation agility. We also examine how environmental uncertainty influence the relationship between organization learning competency and innovation agility to explain the role of these variables on innovation agility. The study employs the secondary data analysis including firm’s patent and financial data in information communication technology and pharmaceutical industry, and the negative binomial regression is used to testing our hypotheses. The results indicate that organization learning competency, including absorptive capability, knowledge diversity and exploration-exploitation strategy contribute to firm innovation agility. Moreover, the findings underscore the effect of organization learning competency on innovation agility are moderated by environmental dynamism and environmental munificence.


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