  • 學位論文


State, Market and Farmer's Participation in An Organic Production Cooperative:The Development and Challenges of the Xingjian Organic Production Cooperative

指導教授 : 林國明 黃長玲


這本論文以「宜蘭縣行健有機農產生產合作社」為例,透過描述該組織的成立以及運作過程(2010至2012年),說明一個由農民自行組成的農產合作社,在為農民提供經濟與社會服務時,可能在既有的農業市場環境以及政治制度下遇到的轉機以及困境。 本文首先說明行健有機農產生產合作社的成立環境,包括當時中央農政單位以及地方政府的有機農業政策、規劃方針、施行方式等政治制度面向,以及當時在市場上的有機風潮以及消費者對於食品安全的重視。然而,有機驗證的法規、有機米的耕作以及碾製、加工等程序、市場的通路等問題不但對習慣既有的耕作方式、以及公糧或糧商收購體系的農民造成生活上的困擾以及成本的升高,也影響到這些農民與產業中其他行動者的互動關係和協作形式。在這樣的背景下,農民透過地方公眾人物的中介,選擇成立生產合作社以解決有機生產及銷售上的風險與難題。 透過訪談合作社的核心社員以及工作人員、兩位政府人員,以及田野紀錄,輔以政府統計資料、新聞報導、期刊文獻,本研究證明,作為一個農民團體,合作社存在於有機產業界的必要性,以及可能發揮的功能。然而在既有的環境制度之下,合作社的資金與運作能力都存在限制,也同時面對農民的參與問題以及共同利益的分配爭議。 研究也發現,除了市場、政策以及社內的組織制度對於合作社的限制之外,農民過去的合作經驗,以及其他鑲嵌在社會關係之中的權力、文化以及資源分配等因素,形成社員之間對於彼此在公共事務以及經濟合作上的信任程度,同樣限縮了合作社的運作與發展規模。因此,「農民的集體行動」可以發揮的力量以及成果必須考慮制度、社會關係以及不同領域的行動者的互相作用。當評估農民組織的運作與核心目標時,也必須納入歷史、權力以及文化視野。或許一個由人民組成,或者由下而上成立的農民組織對於農民以及地方的經濟及社會面貢獻,必須在比較的觀點下,和其他同樣類型的農民組織,或是與農會、企業公司相比較,國家在協助農民團體或農民發展組織、或是協助他的農法的轉型中所扮演的角色,也有待進一步的研究補足以及資料的累積。若國家要發展有機農業,且中央或地方政府企圖透過在地組織或在地力量推進生產的話,國家提供的誘因以及為農民具體解決的有機產銷的困境需要全盤性的政策規劃與檢討方案。


Using the case of “Xingjian Organic Production Cooperative” and its rice production during 2010-2012, this thesis strives to explain how this cooperative, consisting of local small farmer and serving for their interests, copes with the dilemma of collective action and confrontation with the market and political sphere, as well as the social network. Following this context, the story begins of accounting the sphere where Xingjian Cooperative grows. To elaborate, the policy concluding about organic farming, concrete planning, and the realizing ways stemmed either from the central or regional government, and the organic value and the support from the consumer in the market, both of them at that time play a great role to boost farmer’s cultivation transit to organic style. However, the conditions in the system such as the farming, process or selling procedures can hardly embody in the traditional cooperation or selling channel because they base on the social network and still producing/selling customs. Farmer’s are thus sealed of the choice of their action under this circumstance. That is the prelude to Xingjian Organic Production Cooperative. By way of functioning “their” cooperative, farmers expect that they could avoid the risk whether from market or state’s institutions. Methods throughout this thesis are the outcomes of fieldwork (interviews and notes of participation- observation), and the news, statistics and reference as well. It shows that for organic farmer, the function of the cooperative and its performance do meet their collective goods to a certain extent; meanwhile, the cooperative confront the restrictions and challenges such as member’s unalike common consensus, complaint of unbalance of obligation or resource between individuals, and the short of capital. It also shows that these outcomes are because of the enforcement of the institutions from the state, market or social- network level, no matter they are formal or informal. The state, the market and the social network interweave a complex history, and then give rise to the degree of trust or reciprocity among members, and even the outcomes of the performance of the institution or development of the production cooperative. In this sense, this thesis argues that one must detect these mechanisms when examining this kind of collective action or the formation of an organization made by farmer. In the conclusion, the cooperation and the institution regulating the collective dilemma should be respected and be effectively applied by the actors on the perspective of repeated rational games, and that should be traced back to its different condition too, if insiders wish to resolve or have a reform. This thesis submits its incompletion under the short of comparison scale with other cases- different sort like the farmer’s association, enterprise or production cooperative. Besides, it is important to analyze the role of the state who devotes or not the desirable policies or applicable service to the organization or individual. This should be held during a long period and in details, but was in adequate and could not be processed here.


