  • 學位論文


Research on Brand Strategy of “Earth Password” Agriculture Company

指導教授 : 謝明慧


本文探討互聯網與農業發展的新思路,堅持理論與實際相結合的指導思想,主要運用以下兩種方法對當前我國品牌農業的發展進行分析和探討。一是文獻分析法,通過對已有文獻和相關資料,對農業品牌建設的理論進行分析與梳理,找出適合於我國特殊國情的農業品牌建設的新思路。二是個案分析法,通過學習美國、法國兩國在品牌農業上的發展道路,總結出其發展成功的經驗,並以大地密碼(北京)農業貿易股份有限公司(以下簡稱大地密碼)為案例,結合其現有的發展模式,為我國的品牌農業尋求最適合的發展方向,為將來的發展指明道路。 研究發現,在競爭愈發激烈的當今世界市場,品牌農業是推進農業向更高層次事業發展的重要舉措,針對當今我國的國情、世界的事態、我國的品牌農業發展策略應當做到以下幾點:第一,在思想上必須先重新認識品牌農業,重新明白農業如何依託品牌發展的思路。其次,要多學習歐美等發達國家發展農業的方法,轉變經營模式,向著規範化、職業化發展,以科學技術提升產品品質。再次,要充分利用好當前移動互聯網時代的各種傳播工具,創新行銷模式,開創新的產品宣傳策略。最後,要做好相關配套體系的建設,加大基地基礎設施的建設,培育一批有競爭力的農企,應用先進二維碼技術,實現產品的全稱可追溯。創造出一批在市場上叫得響的、喊得出來的著名企業,從而達成農業品牌化發展。


農業 互聯網+ 農產品 品牌化


This paper discusses new ideas of Internet and agricultural development. Sticking to the guiding ideology of combination of theory with practice, two methods are mainly used to analyze and study the current development of China’s brand agriculture. One method is documentation analysis. Through the analysis of existing literature and related materials, this article aims to tease out the theories of building agricultural brands and to find out new ideas that are compatible with China's special agricultural situation. The other method is case analysis. Successful experiences could be summarized with the study of France and the United States cases in the agricultural brand development. Taken the earth password (Beijing) agricultural trade Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the land of password) as an example and based on its existing development pattern, this article seeks the most suitable future development direction for our country agricultural brand. The research finds that with the increasingly fierce competition in the world market, brand agriculture is an important method to promote the development of agriculture towards a higher level. For today's China's national and world situations, the developmental strategies of brand agriculture should accomplish the following several points: first is to re-recognize the brand agriculture inwardly and understand ideas that how agriculture develops relying on brands. Second is to learn more lessons from Europe, the United States and other developed countries in their development of agricultural and change the old business mode to developing new modes with standardization and professional so as to improve the quality of products. Besides, all kinds of communication tools in the age of Internet should be fully utilized for innovation of marketing mode and product promotion strategies. Last but not least, the construction of integrated system should be strengthened and the construction of the infrastructure should be improved. In that way, a number of competitive agricultural enterprises can be fostered with the application of the advanced two-dimensional code technology that can achieve the full name track of the product. With the emergence of several well-known enterprises in the market, the branding development of agriculture could be achieved.


業) 2010, 06:19-23
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