  • 學位論文


The Effect of Inertial Profiler Vehicle and Speed on Detection Performance

指導教授 : 周家蓓


國內各公路工程單位所公布之道路平坦度驗收規範多以三米直規及高低平坦儀為主,其檢測速度緩慢且耗人力,兩者所量測之單點高低差及平坦度標準差,難以表達整體道路之平坦度情況,導致就算符合驗收標準之路面也不一定達到鋪面服務水準之要求。而相對於慣性剖面儀,其採取連續道路量測方式,檢測速度效率高且輸出國際糙度指標((International Roughness Index, IRI))具代表性,可用於大規模之路網數據蒐集,以評估道路服務水準以建立鋪面管理系統。 目前國內各學術單位及工程單位已逐漸採用慣性剖面儀進行大量道路平坦度數據檢測,且公共工程委員會及內政部營建署已在數年前將慣性剖面儀納入道路平坦度驗收標準。但現行之高速慣性剖面儀由於其建置成本(包括載具、治具及儀器)較高,對於許多地方道路管理機關經常面臨經費不足的情況下,難以推動慣性剖面儀廣泛運用於各級道路平坦度驗收。有鑒於此,因此為推行慣性剖面儀之使用,輕量型慣性平坦儀應運而生。 本研究首先對國內現有之代步車慣性剖面儀進行儀器驗證,而驗證分析結果顯示,代步車慣性剖面儀於重複性及準確性上無法通過規範門檻之原因在其檢測速度較慢,最高速度上限為9km/hr。因此,本研究擬開發一輔輪式摩托車慣性剖面儀,為求比較之準確性,其量測儀器與代步車慣性剖面儀為相同一套設備,並針對在七種不同車速控制之情況下,進行儀器驗證試驗及功率頻譜密度分析。依據分析結果顯示,當檢測速度加快時,輔輪式摩托車慣性剖面儀之儀器驗證結果愈佳,且透過功率頻譜密度分析顯示,當檢測速度愈快時,愈能接收到愈高之長波長能量,因此可證實,檢測速度之高低對於慣性剖面儀之量測結果卻有影響性。


The smoothness specification of roadway construction is specified for using 3-meter straightedge or high-low detector in Taiwan, which cost lone time and human consuming. And both maximum heave and dip of each measurement and standard deviation of one measured section are difficult to express the roughness of the whole road. Lead to the measurements even met the acceptance criteria of the pavement surface, but not necessarily met pavement service level requirements. Inertial profilers can detect the road continuously, high detection efficiency and the international roughness index output representative, which can be used for large-scale road network data collection, to assess pavement service levels to build the road pavement management system. However, the existing high-speed inertial profiler's built because of its cost (including vehicles, fixtures and equipment) was higher for many parts of the road management agencies which were frequently faced with inadequate funding. It was difficult to promote the inertial profilers widely used in road roughness detection. In view of this, to implement the use of inertial profilers, lightweight inertial profiler emerged. In the study, Scooter inertial profiler measurements on the repeatability and accuracy can’t pass the standard threshold because of the slow speed. Therefore, this study was to develop an auxiliary wheeled motorcycle inertial profiler, and in seven different speeds control cases, the analysis of the detection data for equipment certification and power spectral density analysis. The analysis showed that when the detection speed higher, the auxiliary wheel motorcycle inertial profiler equipment certification results better. And through the power spectral density analysis showed that, when detected speed higher, the long-wavelength power higher.


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4. Michael W. Sayers, Steven M. Karamihas, “The Little Book of Profiling”, 1998
5. 陳弘章,「應用慣性式平坦儀量測數據於道路整建平坦度驗收之研究」,國立台灣大學土木工程學研究所碩士論文,民國95 年10 月。
10. Federal Highway Administration, “Evaluation of Lightweight non-Contact Profilers”, FHWA/IN/JTRP, 2000.
11. Kansas Department of Transportation, “EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE OF LIGHT-WEIGHT PROFILOMETERS”, 2003.


