  • 學位論文


Discussion on the Procedure of Estimating Pavement Skid Resistance by Using Pavement Texture

指導教授 : 周家蓓


鋪面之抗滑能力對於運具之行駛安全性有相當大的影響,因此檢測鋪面之抗滑能力成為道路養護的重要工作之一,鋪面抗滑能力係指鋪面抵抗運具向前滑行之能力,其物理意義即為鋪面及運具間之摩擦力,影響此摩擦力之因素除了材料特性以外,鋪面表面之紋理亦佔相當重要之地位。 過去的抗滑檢測多使用定點式抗滑儀BPN及DFT做為檢測儀器,然定點式抗滑儀之結果無法完全表現整體路段之抗滑能力,可能因抽樣或選點造成對鋪面抗滑能力之誤判,連續式抗滑儀雖可表現路段整體之抗滑能力,但其檢測設備及流程也較為繁瑣及不方便,故本研究使用拖曳式抗滑檢測儀器Grip Tester及臺大輕量型慣性剖面儀做為實驗儀器,並使用紋理指標MPD及MDE與抗滑值進行比較。透過點間距正規化之資料處理程序將紋理指標受慣性剖面儀檢測速度之影響降低,並比較兩紋理指標發現兩者之迴歸關係良好,且MDE與GN值有較好之關係,故後續討論分析即使用MDE做為分析之紋理指標。 本研究將以校檢測長度5,550公尺之路段隨機抽樣後分成80%及20%,其中80%之數據用來分析討論並選定合適之門檻值,而剩餘之20%則用以驗證分析討論之結果,隨機抽樣80%之MDE數據與GN直透過繪製散佈圖將所有資料分成四個象限,並經由敏感度分析比較各象限之比例及其代表含意,本研究認為當MDE之切分門檻值為0.150時,可有效的區分路段抗滑之優劣,其正確率為75.9%,而嚴重錯誤之比例僅有4.05%,而透過剩餘20%之數據進行驗證分析結果,其各象限之比例都較隨機抽樣80%之結果為佳,其顯現當全面進行抗滑檢測的能力不足時,以MDE門檻值作為篩選之方法,四個象限的百分比隨著門檻值改變所表現之比例變化,都各有穩定的趨勢,不會因路段之不同而有差異,即在實際運用此紋理指標做為門檻值時應該有相當之實用性。


Skid resistance measurement is one of the major assessments of road safety. The typical devices used for measuring skid resistance include single point checking type and continuous measurements type. Due to the limited capacity of water supply used by all kinds of devices, including the continuous types, it is a relative time consuming and difficult task to periodically conduct a full roadway network skid resistance survey. On the contrary, measurement of pavement surface texture can be conducted easily and continuously by most of the profilers. Two measuring devices, Grip Tester and NTU Profiler, were used in this study to collect the data of pavement skid resistance and texture. The MPD and mean difference of elevation (MDE) were chosen to compare with the skid resistance. Through the normalization process, the impact of testing speed of profiler on the texture indices was reduced. Because of the better relation with the skid resistance, this study used MDE as the pavement texture index in further analysis. This research studied the relation between pavement skid resistance and the surface texture. The focus was on the development of a texture index which can serve as a screening indicator to filter out the high risk pavement sections for further skid resistance measurement. This study divided total 5,550 meters into 80% and 20% randomly, which was used to discuss, analyze and set the MDE threshold and to validate the result of 80%, respectively. Through a sensitivity study of the 80% data, it was found that the MDE threshold of 0.15mm can provide a relatively reasonable screening function that filters out 30.63% of the entire surveyed network for further skid resistance inspection. It averted about 70% skid resistance measurement capacity of the entire network. The accuracy of judgment by the selected threshold was more than 75%; only 4.05% of roadway sections that were considered for further inspection of the recommended list needed not be included. The sensitivity study of the rest 20% data shows the similar result to it of the 80% data that the percentage change in four quadrants is stable which is not influenced by different road section. This result shows the method of using MDE as threshold to filter out the low skid resistance roadway segments for further inspection is practical.


Pavement Skid Resistance Texture Index GripTester MPD


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