  • 學位論文


Evaluation of Skid Resistance of Road Marking Materials for Urban Streets

指導教授 : 周家蓓


標線為用路人最常見之交通設施之ㄧ,具有指向、警示、禁止與遵行等功能,然我國氣候潮濕多雨,時常有用路人於路面潮溼時行經標線而產生打滑之情形,造成生命財產之損失,本研究有鑑於此,乃對標線材料進行實驗分析,以尋求提升標線抗滑能力之方法。本研究主要分為兩大部分,第一部分為實驗路段之各種類型標線以及不同標線添加摻料試驗,由研究結果顯示,鋪面型式並不影響標線之抗滑能力。而標線材料試驗部分,具有稜角之預先成型熱處理聚酯標線抗滑能力最佳,路線漆最低,而我國常用之熱處理聚酯標線抗滑能力亦不甚理想,未達國際建議標準45 BPN。在經過摻料比例試驗與成本單價分析後發現,預先摻有20%玻璃珠以及外灑石英砂之熱處理聚酯標線不但經濟且有相當好之抗滑能力。研究中亦發現BPN與DFT No.(μ)有相當好之正相關,R2可達0.83。第二部份為市區道路現地抗滑檢測,研究結果可知乾燥時標線具有非常好之抗滑能力,但於潮濕時普遍抗滑值偏低,且未及45 BPN,應加以改善;在部分標線經數月監測後發現,標線抗滑能力於新工後四至五個月內有提升之趨勢,本研究亦提出標線抗滑檢測標準之建議,以供相關主管單位參考使用。


Road marking is one of the important traffic facilities which provide the guideline of traveling vehicles and passengers. On urban streets road marking also directs pedestrians a safe section for crossing the intersections. In most Asian countries, motor bikes occupy a great percentage of city trips. Road marking plays an even more important role of safety for the motor bike riders particularly when it is wet. This paper aims at studying the skid resistance of current road marking materials and researching the possible alternatives for improving the skid resistance of road marking. Studies are divided into two steps: experimental design and test on test section and field measurement of urban streets. On the experimental section, four kinds of marking materials, self-adhesive tapes, regular paint, thermoplastics, and preformed thermoplastics, in combing with various percentages of glass beads and angular quartz materials are used, and the correspondent skid resistance values are measured by British Pendulum Tester, sand patch method, and Dynamic Friction Tester. Sixty-two specimen of twenty combinations, each has two to four repetitions, are tested in this study. From the results it is found that without any additive the preformed thermoplastics give the highest skid resistance value while the paint is the least one. The most commonly used road marking in Taiwan is thermoplastic material which does not meet the international standard of 45 BPN. However, thermoplastic materials with 20% pre-added glass beads by volume plus small percentage of angular quartz materials give the best results. Moreover, 12 newly marked test sites are selected randomly from urban streets for skid resistance test. It is surprised to learn that none of them pass the 45 BPN when they are new, but the values increase with time gradually for the first four to five months and stay stable after that. The final readings are between 45 BPN to 60 BPN. In addition, this study also finds very high positive correlation between BPN and DFT no., but both of them have poor correlation to mean texture depth resulted from sand patch method.


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