  • 學位論文


Research of Probabilistic Car-Following Model for Mixed Traffic Flow on Urban Arterial

指導教授 : 許添本


台灣市區道路中,混合車流為最普遍的車流狀況,其中汽機車之間的互動關係,始終是台灣道路交通最複雜的難題,也是微觀車流模擬中最難處理的問題,過去十年台灣引進了許多國外的微觀車流模擬軟體,但這些軟體在實際應用上,尤其面對混合車流環境時遭遇了很大的困難,若要徹底解決此問題,就必須要建構一套適用於市區道路混合車流特性的微觀混合車流模擬軟體,其中的第一步必須針對混合車流特性做詳細的分析,找出與傳統車流不同之處,並建構不同車種組合之跟車模式。 本研究挑選台北市區,混合車流特性顯著之忠孝東路四段西向,一段約350公尺長的路段進行高樓錄影調查,取得晨峰時段之微觀車流資料,並將快車道中汽車對汽車跟車樣本及混合車道中機車對汽車跟車樣本的數據篩選出來,以作為後續分析及建構模式之基礎。 經過大量的混合車道中機車對汽車跟車之樣本觀察、分析後,本研究發現兩車之側向偏移量(dy),會對機車的縱向跟車行為有非常大的影響,側向偏移量越多,造成縱向跟車間距(dx)、時間車頭距(time headway)越小;也發現不同駕駛人之跟車行為間存在很大的變異性,因此本研究首度引入馬可夫模式於混合車流環境中,透過其條件狀態機率下的隨機性,可模擬出駕駛人在當下跟車條件、狀況(速度、側向偏移量、時間車頭距)下之下一時之機率性的決策速度,並結合行為門檻模式之感知分界,使駕駛人在不同感知狀態時,可用不同之加減速模式做推進。 本研究也引入了側向偏移量變數(dy)於行為門檻模式中,建構了三種側向偏移量範圍狀態(正向跟車、側向跟車、偏向跟車)之跟車模式,使其成為一個三維變量之跟車模式(縱向間距、側向間距、速差),更適用於混合車流環境。 另外本研究首度使用TTC作為行為門檻模式中,感知速差門檻(SDV、CLDV、OPDV)之參數,並證實於較短跟車間距的市區道路環境中,其比原來假設之參數更能符合駕駛人知覺門檻加減速行為。


Mixed traffic flow is the most common traffic situation in urban roads in Taiwan. The interaction between cars and motorcycles is regarded as the most complex traffic topic in Taiwan; therefore it’s also a difficult problem in Microscopic Traffic simulation. To completely resolve this issue, it is necessary to construct a probabilistic car-following model, which is a set of microscopic simulation software. The first step is to make a detailed analysis to find out the characteristics of mixed traffic flow, then to build the probabilistic car-following model of different vehicle types. In this study, the selection is the west-bound of Section 4, Chung Hsiao East Road, Taipei, with typically mixed traffic flow characteristics. The length is about 350 m. The microscopic traffic flow data is obtained by Investigation and screening of the video recorded by DV installed on the top of high-rising buildings in the morning rush hours. By analyzing a lot of video records of the motorcycles which follow cars in the selected lane, this study found that the lateral offset could result the vertical spacing and the time headway to be smaller; and found that there are a lot of variability on the driver’s following behavior. This study is a new introduction of the Markov model in mixed traffic environment, together with the probability for random conditions. To simulate a driver’s following behavior with the conditions (speed, lateral offset, time headway) under a moment of the probability of the new decision-making speed, combined with the perception of the boundaries of the behavior threshold model, promptly driving in a perception among various acceleration or deceleration models. This study also introduces a lateral offset variable on the behavior of the threshold model making it a three-dimensional variable following model (longitudinal spacing, lateral spacing and speed difference), being more suitable for mixed traffic flow.


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[14] 蘇士縯,隧道路段跟車模擬模式與駕駛特性之研究,國立台灣大學土木工程研究所碩士論文,民國九十五年六月。
[7] 許添本,車流理論與應用課程講義。
[9] 林育瑞,利用類神經網路構建機車車流模式之研究,國立成功大學交通管理科學研究所碩士論文,民國九十一年六月。
[12] 孫將瓴,市區道路小汽車變換車道防撞警示系統之研究,國立台灣大學土木工程研究所碩士論文,民國九十五年六月。


