  • 學位論文


The Change of HIV Stigma Attitude among Adult Males in Taiwan: 2009-2012

指導教授 : 丁志音


背景 民眾對愛滋的烙印不僅影響愛滋感染者或病患就學、就業、就醫居住安養等權益,也間接讓對感染有疑慮的民眾害怕就醫進行愛滋病毒檢驗,甚至尋求治療,以至於增加愛滋病持續傳播之風險,因此了解可能影響社會大眾對愛滋烙印之因素並朝去烙印、汙名化之目標邁進更是刻不容緩的。 目的 本研究主要探討近年台灣民眾對愛滋病的烙印變遷及影響台灣男性愛滋烙印之主要因素。 方法 本研究係透過疾病管制局2009-2012年愛滋病民調資料庫之次級資料進行分析,除了分析愛滋烙印態度量表外,主要驗證之變項尚包括:社會人口學特徵、愛滋風險知覺、暴露大眾媒體訊息以及民眾對政府愛滋防治政策信心度,分析方法包括:雙變項分析、複迴歸及趨勢分析。 結果 (1)年齡、職業、愛滋風險知覺、是否暴露大眾傳播訊息及民眾對政府推動愛滋防治信心度為預測愛滋烙印之顯著因素(2)由迴歸分析結果可看出,調查的年份在愛滋烙印亦是重要的決定因素,民眾對愛滋之烙印隨年份推移而逐年升高,至2012年方有趨緩現象(3)最年輕(15-19歲)、最年長(50-59歲)、低教育程度、藍領工作者、家管/無業者及居住於離島與東部地區民眾,對愛滋有較高之錯誤認知(風險偏誤)。 結論 近年來,臺灣男性民眾對愛滋的烙印是呈現持續攀升趨勢直到2012年方日漸趨緩,其中部分人士對於愛滋病患或感染者仍存有較高之烙印。因此,未來應針對這些族群,規劃適合之教育宣導計畫並利用合適之宣導管道進行宣導,降低民眾對愛滋的偏見,以創造對愛滋友善之支持性環境。


Background: Public stigma of HIV/AIDS not only negatively affects patients’ schooling, employment, receiving medical care and residential security but also indirectly deters those who perceiving risk for HIV infection from HIV testing and seeking treatment, which in turn increases the risk of continuing spread of HIV/AIDS. Therefore, it is urgent to grasp factors contributing to public’s stigma towards HIV/AIDS and make efforts to de-stigmatize HIV infected persons. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to understand the recent shift in public stigma of AIDS in Taiwan and to examine factors contributing to AIDS stigma among males aged 15-59 years in Taiwan. Methods: This research used data derived from “AIDS public survey” databases collected yearly by Taiwan CDC from 2009-2012. In addition to HIV stigma attitude scale, variables examined by this study included socio-demographic characteristics, HIV risk perceptions, mass media message exposure, and confidence in government AIDS policy. Data were analyzed by means of bivariate methods, multiple regression and trend analysis. Results: The major findings are: (1) age, occupation, HIV risk perceptions, exposure to mass media messages and confidence in government AIDS prevention policy were significant predictors of AIDS stigma attitude, (2) while time (year) of survey was also a determinant in the regression analysis, it was found that AIDS stigma attitude increased steadily over the years up till 2012 when the increase began slowing down, (3) the youngest (15~19) and oldest (50~59), people with lower educational attainment, blue collar workers, housekeepers and the unemployed, and residents living in remote islands and the eastern parts of Taiwan were more likely to hold HIV/AIDS misconceptions and therefore biased risk perceptions. Conclusions: In the past few years, the HIV/AIDS stigma carried by adult males in Taiwan has kept increasing steadily until 2012. Some segments of this population were particularly apt to be stigma holders. Tailored educational and communication programs should be developed to reduce their prejudicial attitudes and as a result gradually shape an overall supportive environment.


莊苹、劉仲冬 (1997)。愛滋風暴-愛滋之烙印對感染者及一般民眾之意義。護理研究5(1),52-63。
