  • 學位論文


Biodiversity conservation planning by two Spatial conservation prioritization tools at farm scale- A case study of Mei-Feng Farm

指導教授 : 林裕彬


近年來因棲地破壞使得生物多樣性快速喪失,且生物多樣性之保育常與人類之經濟發展產生衝突,如何提高有限資源使用之效率及識別保育管理之區域為現今的重要課題。近二十年來,國際間諸多系統性保育規劃之軟體應用在保育決策之制定,研究不同方法的優缺與各決策工具之保育效益,必能使得保育工作更加完善, 本研究目的即為比較兩個目前在系統性保育規劃問題中最為廣泛使用的支援決策工具, Marxan與Zonation。研究區域位於南投縣之台大梅峰農場,利用區域內16隻具保育指標性鳥種做為目標物種,應用景觀指數與羅吉斯迴歸建立鳥類出現機率與棲地空間組成與配置與之關聯,作為保護區規劃之依據。探討Marxan與Zonation在梅峰案例中,不同保育情境下其邊緣控制參數之設定,即分析保護區優選結果之生物多樣性的保育成效。其中研究量化五項優選之評選要素:代表性、全面性、存續性、成本效益與不可取代性作為分析模式結果其保育成效。 研究結果顯示,梅峰地區之保育區規劃案例其Zonation之Boundary Length Penalty(BLP)範圍應介於 至 ,而Marxan之Boundary Length Modifier(BLM)範圍應介於 至 ;Marxan之邊緣控制參數設定上,過高之邊緣參數控制會大幅提升其選取面積,而造成保育效率降低,Zonation之邊緣參數設定應採用較低之邊緣控制參數作為保育區劃設之參考;整體來說,兩模式在全面性及代表性表現皆良好,而Zonation在五項之評選要素皆表現較佳,本研究建議採用Zonation作為梅峰地區之保育區規劃決策工具,Zonation之結果不僅可兼顧研究區域之生態價值與生物多樣性與保育區之空間配置,其結果也具有較高之保育效率;結果顯示北方天然林與東方天然林與果園交界區為梅峰地區具有高生態保育價值之地區,代表在資源有限時,此兩區為保育效益最大之區域,此外,目標物種比例高且邊緣長度權重大時之結果指出,西方區域還為不可取代性相當低之區域,保育效益最差。以本研究為例,利用量化之方法劃設保護區,比起一般質化方法更有效率,能在有限的空間下保育最大的生態資源,另外,國內以生物多樣性為保育目標應用系統性保育規劃方法文獻相當少,本研究提供此系統方法之應用及驗證,且提供兩模式在劃設保育區之空間特性,以期本研究成果未來可以做為提供棲地保育規劃者選取工具之依據,提升保育策略的效率與永續性,提供未來國土及區域規劃研究及實務之參考。


Biodiversity has been rapidly lost in recent years due to destruction of habitat. Biodiversity conservation and economic growth often conflict, and conservation resources that can be used are often limited. Therefore, a key issue of biodiversity conservation is how to improve the efficiency of limited resources and identify where conservation management are needed. A number of systematic conservation planning tools are available to aid in making land use decisions. It is essential that methodological differences and their potential effect on conservation planning outcomes are understood. In this study, we utilize two commonly used decision-support tools, Marxan and Zonation, to identify a conservation planning for maintaining biodiversity of 16 birds at the Meifeng Highlands Experiment Farm of National Taiwan University in Nantou. We calculated the Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) for each bird by logistic regression, and selected the species which are representative in regression analysis as target species. Marxan and Zonation analyses were carried out using different Boundary Length parameters and conservation targets. Moreover, we apply representativeness, comprehensiveness, connectivity, cost- efficiency and irreplaceability as principles of quantifying conservation benefits for all analyses. Our results indicated that Boundary Length Penalty (BLP) of Zonation analyses are suggested to set from to and Boundary Length Modifier (BLM) of Marxan analyses are suggested to set to ; Marxan with high BLM value generally produced large reserve leading to ineffective results . Zonation results implied that low BLP value contribute to better perform. As a whole, both Marxan and Zonation generated representative and representative reserve appropriately and Zonation performed better in all principles. Based on our results, we suggested utilizing the results of Zonation for Meifeng conservation planning due to high biodiversity, optimal spatial configuration and high efficacy. The results revealed that northern and eastern natural forest and the edge areas of orchard are the areas with the largest conservation benefit; there are priority areas as reserve when resources limited. In addition, the western area has the least benefit and lowest irreplaceability in high conservation target and high boundary length parameter analyses. This study showed a case study of systematic conservation planning and different spatial characteristics; moreover, we proposed a quantifiable concept and provided the efficiently scheme for conservation planning. This result will be useful for future conservation planner to determine the appropriate decision-support tools.


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陳麒如(2017)。系統景觀保護規劃法對於生態系統之影響 -以陳有蘭溪為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201701362
