  • 學位論文


Cam Selection and Collision Detection of Stamping Die for Automobile Sheet Metal

指導教授 : 尤春風


現今工程師於汽車鈑金加工製程規劃時即決定加工所需的凸輪樣式,然而加工凸輪樣式眾多,若能將凸輪樣式選定之規則整合至汽車鈑金製程規劃系統中,即可利用電腦運算快速之特性達到快速編排製程之目的。 本研究以Spring Solid System 之汽車鈑金製程規劃(CAPP)系統建構汽車鈑金模具凸輪與碰撞偵測的法則,建立汽車鈑金模具凸輪的樣式,以鈑金曲面造型為輸入端,經由特徵辨識判斷選擇適合的凸輪樣式,並以碰撞偵測法則檢驗凸輪作動之可行性,最後將結果輸出模具製程工法圖。 利用知識工程(KBE)系統的概念,將模具製程規劃與凸輪資訊以字串方式做為資料流匯入KBE資料庫,以利未來資料之搜尋與套用。


Nowadays, when engineers take their responsibilities to make the process planning of automobile sheet metal, they’ll decide which type of cam used in the manufacture processes. Since there are various types of cams, if engineers can integrate the selecting rule of the proper cam type into the process planning system of the automobile sheet metal, they’ll be able to use computers with the characteristic of rapid computation, to reach the goal of fast process arrangement. In this research, the computer aided process planning (CAPP) of automobile sheet metal base on the Spring Solid System is used to construct the cam specifications and collision detection, and establish the cam patterns of stamping die for automobile sheet metal. We use the curved surface model of sheet metal as the input, select the proper cam characteristics of feature recognition of sheet metal and examining the feasibility of cam by using collision detection survey, and finally, get the die layout of the process planning for stamping die as the output.   Base on the knowledge-based expert (KBE) system, this paper define the process and cam protocol by string. The process and cam designs are stored in database for reusing the similar design case.


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