  • 學位論文


Knowledge-based Engineering of Automobile Sheet Metal Stamping Die Design

指導教授 : 尤春風


本文以知識工程的方法建立汽車鈑金沖壓模設計系統,串聯鈑件特徵辨識、製程規劃與模具結構設計之架構,儲存產品曲面、特徵、製程與模具結構等各階段資料於資料庫。主要目標有二,一者協助企業保存模具設計過程中難以記錄的隱性知識,促進企業達成知識管理;二者以自動化設計提升產品設計的速度。   探討沖壓鈑金特徵與製程之知識表示方法,制定特徵資料協定與製程資料協定。以特徵協定為基礎,提出鈑件相似性比較演算法,應用於KBE系統建立案例式推理引擎,使系統能快速搜得相似案例。   實作方面以Java語言建立KBE系統,內嵌Spring Solid System處理鈑件曲面之STEP檔,並利用CATIA作為模具結構繪製之平台。   運用CATIA之設計樣板建立模具樣板資料庫,提出將製程資料自動轉變為模具CAD檔之自動建模架構,研究JAVA與CATIA平台溝通方式,建立橋接KBE系統與CAD平台之橋樑。


Based on KBE(Knowledge-based Engineering) methodology, a design automation system for automobile sheet metal stamping die is proposed. The system integrates the feature recognition, process planning and die structure design, and the surface, feature, process and die structure data will be stored in the database. There are two goals to be achieved: one is assisting enterprises with preserving tacit knowledge of die design and promoting knowledge management; the other is accelerating the die design by automation. To represent the feature of sheet metal and the process of stamping die, this paper defines the feature protocol and process protocol. A sheet metal comparison algorithm based on the feature protocol is proposed, retrieving the similar design case more efficiently. The KBE system was implemented by Java language and embedded Spring Solid System for STEP file importing. The CATIA CAD platform was applied for the construction of die CAD model. Using of CATIA CAD model template is constructed the die template database. An architecture transforming process data into die model is also proposed. This paper also presentes the research method for connecting Java and CATIA platform, for connecting the bridge between KBE and CAD platform.


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