  • 學位論文


Motion Planning and Coordination for Mobile Construction Machine

指導教授 : 康仕仲


本研究透過運動規劃方法及協同作業方法,對三種主要的移動式工程機具:輪型、履帶型、聯結型工程機具,在工地中規劃出一條可行動線。在工地中,每日各項工程機具的位置擺設及動線,影響整體工程的安全及效率。根據勞工安全衛生研究所指出,工程機具工具在工地中造成的工程安全意外,排名在前五名,近期研究同時顯示,工程機具位置及動線規劃隨者工程進行而改變,將影響整體工程的時程及進度。若能夠有效即時管理每日工程機具位置及動線,工程進度也可更加順利進行。本研究所發展之方法包括四個步驟:(1) 建立工程機具運動模型 (2) 建立位形空間 (3) 尋找路徑 (4) 協同作業。第一步將工程機具分為三類:輪型、履帶型、聯結型工程機具,並依照其特性發展出不同運動模型,依此運動模型即可進行模擬。第二步為建立位形空間,主要將複雜的真實世界中複雜的空間問題,簡化至組態空間(C-Space)。第三步則利用演算法RRTs(rapidly-exploring random trees)等找出一條無碰撞的路徑。最後透過協調路徑的方式,達到多工程機具同時移動的目的。研究成果實作上,使用物理引擎及遊戲引擎,運算及呈現工程機具的動線。研究結果顯示,在一可行路徑僅能容許一台履帶式吊車行走的工地內,三種工程機具皆可運算出一條可行路徑,並能夠兩台同時協同作業。在運算效率上,輪型及履帶型機具位形空間平均在10.45秒運算出,而聯結型則需45.21秒;尋找路徑則是依據路徑規劃演算法結點數決定,最短0.48秒;協同作業時間則均不到0.25秒。研究結果顯示,此方法可是用工程機具規劃及工地規劃,可提供工程師應用至實際工程規劃上。


This research aims at developing a motion planning and coordination method for commonly-used construction machines, including excavators, mobile cranes, trucks and tractor trailers. This method includes four steps: (1) model development, (2) C-Space (configuration space) construction, (3) path finding and (4) machines coordination The first step is to categorize the construction machines into three types, including wheel, track and chain. This allows further simulating the behaviors of the machined using mathematics equations. The second step is to construct the configuration space (C-Space) for the machines. This transfers a complicated geometric problem in the real-world space (Cartesian space) into an artificial space, which can simplify the following path-planning process. The third step is to compute the collision-free paths in the C-Space and transfer them into Cartesian space. The fourth step is to coordinate the paths of the machines to avoid possible conflicts. I implemented a computer program to demonstrate and validate the four-step method. The computer program simulated and visualized the construction machines motion by using a graphic engine Microsoft XNA and a physics engine Nvidia PhysX. A virtual construction site is constructed for testing the efficiency of the developed method, the working areas are narrow, only allow the pass of crawler crane or similar machines. On the virtual site, I designed a case in which two construction machines simultaneously move in a construction site and have the possibility of collision. From the test, I found that the calculation for path planning and coordination of the machines spend is approximate one second, and the construction of C-Space require 10.45 seconds for wheel and track machines, and 45.21 seconds for chain machines. The result of this research can successfully building model and C-Space of construction machines and generate a collision free path for multiple machines. This research provides an effective method for planning construction machines, and can be used for practical case in construction planning.


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