  • 學位論文


Inquiring Based Discussion in General Physics Laboratories

指導教授 : 傅昭銘


傳統普通物理學實驗教學以教學者為中心,學生按教材的步驟重複實驗,學生僅被動重複實驗步驟來驗證物理原理與現象。課堂上讓學生思考辯的機會太少,只強調學生『做』實驗,而不是『學會如何做實驗』,難以強化學生探索與思辨能力。教育理論家艾德格˙戴爾(1969)提出的學習金字塔理論中提到學生學習效果,其中以互動合作學習的效果最大。 本論文報告在普通物理實驗課程中運用『提引問題與同儕討論』,達到激發學生思維建構與實驗探索意義的研究。本研究嘗試設計與實驗單元探究目標有關的概念問題,在普通物理實驗教學施以誘導提引問題,從事互動問答與同儕討論,循序對實驗目的、基礎物理概念、實驗儀器操作、數據分析、問題探討等獲得深化思維。提引問題過程中同時配合運用『即時答問回饋教學系統』,以即時獲得學生對問題概念的反映,並據以進一步實施同儕討論,激發對問題深化思索,達到對實驗探索意義的思維建構。本研究提出以探索提問與同儕討論結合IRS的普物實驗教學流程模式。 本研究歸納得到,在普通物理實驗教學,施以探索提問配合即時問答回饋系統,可以有效使學生主動參與討論,增進學習動機與深化對實驗探究思維。提引問題的設計,必須對包含實驗探究目標與實驗單元相關概念,涵蓋知識層面、理解層面、分析層面及應用層面,達到有效深化思維與建構學習的目標。


While traditional experiment teaching on general physics centers on the teachers, students merely repeat the experiment steps based on teaching materials, to verify physical principles and phenomena. Few opportunities are available for students to think and discuss (with others) in class; we used to emphasize too much on “doing” the experiment, rather than on “how” to do it, which makes it harder to accomplish the goal of strengthening students’ ability to further explore and speculate on a question given. According to the education theorist Edgar Dale (1969), cooperative learning is the most effective instruction to bring out student learning outcomes in his theory of the Learning Pyramid. This thesis report applies “inquiry and peer discussion” to general physics experiment courses, to achieve the study purpose of constructing students’ thinking ability for exploring the meaning of doing experiment. The study is aimed to design concept problems related to the investigated objects of each experiment unit. It practices guiding inquiry on general physics experiment courses, adopting interactive Q & A for peer instruction, in order to acquire deeper thoughts on some general ideas, such as experiment purpose, basic physical concepts, instrument operation, data analysis and analysis probe, etc. Along the inquiry process, the study implements simultaneously the “instant response teaching system”, to help students reflect immediately on questions. Furthermore, it requires peer instruction to inspire deeper thoughts of students to meet the goal of constructing their logic thinking on the meaning of doing experiment. This study provides a teaching process model of general physical experiment which combines exploring inquiry with peer instruction and instant discussion. The study generalizes an idea that, by performing exploring inquiry which combines the instant response system, teachers can effectively inspire students to participate in discussion spontaneously, increasing their learning motives and deepening their thoughts of exploring the experiment. In addition, the design of guiding questions must cover the complete concepts in relation to investigated objects in different experiment units, including knowledge perspective, understanding perspective, analysis perspective, and applying perspective, to effectively attain the learning purpose of constructing students’ ability of deeper thinking.


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