  • 學位論文


Markov Chain-based Modeling Techniques for the Synthetic Hourly Streamflows

指導教授 : 游景雲




This study applies the synthetic daily flow sequence simulation method used by previous studies to the synthetic hourly flow sequence simulation, except using the first-order Markov chain refered to previous studies, and the optimal-order Markov chain obtained by the Akaike information criterion to generate the hourly flow data directly. At the same time, Markov chain-based method with the Gamma distribution function used by previous studies is applied to simulate the ascension curve of the flow, and improved by the conditional lognormal distribution function, while simulating the recession curve of the flow by exponential function. Finally, 49 discharge stations of seven river basins including Tamsui River, Daan River, Dajia River, Zhuoshui River, Zengwen River, Gaoping River and Beinan River were selected to be case study, and this study applies flow duration curves(FDC) and three performance indices as well as a method of statistical testing to identify whether Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration(IHA) derived from historical and synthetic flow data have the same distribution. This enabled us to evaluate and examine the capacity of the synthetic hourly flow models, as a reference for future related research. The results show that the overall performance is better with the optimal order Markov chain based on the conditional lognormal distribution function to simulate the ascension curve of the flow. In the high-flow data, the Gamma distribution function underestimation can be effectively improved, and the variability of synthetic hourly discharge can be availabled, should meet the needs of flood prevention planning. In addition, for the low-flow data with great impact on hydrology and ecology, most of the stations have a slightly overestimated situation, and its reproducibility remain problematic for improvement.


