  • 學位論文


Sampling Indoor MVOCs by Solid-Phase Microextraction under Nonequilibrium Situation with Environmental Levels of BTEX

指導教授 : 蔡詩偉


MVOCs (microbial volatile organic compounds)為黴菌在生長過程中所釋放出的揮發性有機物質。根據過去文獻指出MVOCs除了可能對人類產生健康危害外(如:過敏及病態大樓症候群等),亦可作為室內黴菌生長的指標。 本研究目的為針對先前發展出的非平衡狀態下固相微萃取(Solid-Phase Microextraction, SPME)採樣技術進行應用於實際採樣MVOCs前的相關驗證;而所選取為台灣室內常見的MVOCs,包括:2-methyl-1-propanol, 1-butanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 2-hexanone, 2-heptanone, 1-octen-3-ol 及 2-pentylfuran。 室內環境空氣中除了MVOCs之外,尚存在其他的化學物質,包括常見的VOCs,例如:苯、甲苯、乙苯及對二甲苯(benzene, toluene, ethylenebenzene, xylene; BTEX)。因此,當應用SPME於MVOCs及BTEX共存情況下採樣時,可能發生SPME纖維上的競爭及取代等干擾效應。為釐清室內環境的BTEX是否會對MVOCs的動態採樣產生影響,本研究在動態暴露系統中,同時產生MVOCs與BTEX共存的標準蒸氣。 以Carboxen/PDMS SPME 纖維在非平衡狀態下進行40分鐘採樣MVOCs (4.24 μg/m3 to 149.31 μg/m3),經不同的暴露條件測試後,分別計算僅有MVOCs及有BTEX共存狀況下的結果,發現兩組數據並沒有顯著差異;實驗採樣率分別為: 2-methyl-1-propanol 0.0127±0.0040 cm3/s、1-butanol 0.0276±0.0010 cm3/s、3-methyl-1-butanol 0.0390±0.0017 cm3/s、2-hexanone 0.0757±0.0021 cm3/s、2-heptanone 0.0771±0.0019 cm3/s、1-octan-3-ol 0.0323±0.0015 cm3/s及2-pentylfuran 0.0587±0.0023 cm3/s。 本研究顯示,在BTEX室內環境濃度下,動態採樣系統結合Carboxen/PDMS SPME纖維對MVOCs的採樣表現穩定,並沒有競爭效應的發生;也顯示此方法未來應用於室內環境MVOCs偵測之潛力。


Microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs) not only have potential adverse effects on human health but also could be the indictors for mold’s growth. Thus, measuring the indoor MVOCs level is important in respect to indoor air quality. Past research has shown the potential of MVOCs sampling by dynamic system with solid phase microextraction (SPME). However, possible competitive adsorption might occur when sampling in field, especially with the co-exist of other compounds (e.g., volatile organic compounds; VOCs). Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine if BTEX, the most abundant VOC indoors, will affect the dynamic sampling of MVOCs by SPME. The MVOCs and BTEX vapors were generated simultaneously in the exposure system in this study, while Carboxen/PDMS fiber was employed for the 40 min sampling. Afterwards, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) was used for the analysis. The experimental sampling rates of MVOCs under different conditions were validated. The results showed that no competitive adsorption effects were observed when sampling MVOCs (4.24 μg/m3 to 149.31 μg/m3) by Carboxen/PDMS fiber for 40 minutes under nonequilibrium situation with the co-exist of indoor-level BTEX. Besides, the experimental sampling rate were found to be 0.0127±0.0040 cm3/s for 2-methyl-1-propanol, 0.0276±0.0010 cm3/s for 1-butanol, 0.0390±0.0017 cm3/s for 3-methyl-1-butanol, 0.0757±0.0021 cm3/s for 2-hexanone, 0.0771±0.0019 cm3/s for 2-heptanone, 0.0323±0.0015 cm3/s for 1-octan-3-ol, and 0.0587±0.0023 cm3/s for 2-pentylfuran, respectively. This study showed the potential to apply SPME under non-equilibrium condition for field MVOCs sampling.


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