  • 學位論文


Strategies of implementation of greenroof in Southern Taiwan Science Park

指導教授 : 蔡厚男


二十一世紀因應氣候暖化衝擊的減緩對策之一,是發展建築節能的屋頂退燒技術,也就是綠屋頂。而綠屋頂作為屋頂薄膜結構可以有效減緩暴雨逕流、減少空調能源使用並提供基本的生態機能,無論是作為建築節能的手段或是公園綠地的一部份都具有舉足輕重的份量。國外綠屋頂長年發展歷史悠久,台灣的綠屋頂產業如今也開始萌芽發展,而台灣尚缺乏相關研究探討該如何有系統的推行綠屋頂,是故為本研究的研究動機。由於綠屋頂的設置涉及土地使用分區與建築類型,考量可以提供屋頂面積大且建築類型統一,因此選擇工業區作為探討綠屋頂推行的目標,並以台南科學工業園區為案例分析對象,分析其廠房類型與成本效益並佐以德國柏林、日本東京與韓國首爾三個城市綠屋頂政策的案例經驗,提出南科綠屋頂的推行策略。研究方法使用訪談、文獻分析法。 研究結果指出工業廠辦符合設置綠屋頂的要求,但屋頂空間有限。現行階段於南科園區推行綠屋頂會受到極端暴雨的影響而有植栽選用的問題。南科推行綠屋頂的政策應將綠屋頂技術規範納入土地使用管制中,並透過最低綠化率、補助金、減稅和維護管理審查作為主要推行手段。南科園區的案例發想提供我們對於綠屋頂政策的正面想像,其中透過這些技術規範與獎勵配套措施,可作為政府單位和專家學者思考綠屋頂政策設計的架構。而科學園區隸屬於國科會管轄,作為中央政府推行綠屋頂的示範案例再適合不過。並建議後續研究可以朝在地植物材料研究與綠屋頂環境效益研究兩個方向發展。


In response to the impact of global warming in twenty-first century, a roof cooling technique of building energy saving, which is the green roof. As the roof membrane structure, green roof can effectively reduce stormwater runoff, saving energy from air condition and provide basic ecological function. Either as a means of building energy saving or as a part of park and green space system, green roof plays a decisive role. Green roof develops for decades in the whole world, and now the industry of green roof in Taiwan is now began to sprout. But Taiwan is still in lack of study to investigate how to implement green roof in a systematic way. Therefore is the motivation of this study. Setting of green roofs involving land use zones and building types, consider the larger roof area and unified building type will be better condition for case study. The study chosen the industrial zone as the objective discussed, and Southern Taiwan Science Park(STSP) is the case study objective. Through the analysis of factory buildings, green roof whole-life cost analysis, and case analysis of green roof policy experiment of Berlin and Tokyo to propose the implementation strategies of green roof in STSP. The study use qualitative method, included interview, literature analysis and Case analysis. Research results have three, first, indicate that industrial plant comply the requirements of setting of green roof, but the roof space is limited. Second, current stage of the implementation of green roofs in STSP will influenced by the impact of extreme stormwater and has the problem in choosing plant materials. Third, implementing green roof policies in STSP should combine the green roof technical specifications into the land use regulation, and through the minimum greening rate, grants, tax reduction, and maintenance management examine as the main policy tool. Case of STSP provide us a positive imagination of green roof policy, and these technical specifications and incentives measures can be the frame of green roof design for those government agencies, experts and scholars. The Science Park is under the jurisdiction of the National Science Council, it’s the perfect objective to be the model case of implementation of green roof policy of central government. Suggested future research can move on to focus on local plant material research and environmental benefits.


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