  • 學位論文


From Doctrine Teaching to Individualized Instruction: Examining on the Significant Transition of Education Theories by Intellectuals from Han Dynasty to Wei-Jin Scholar Xi Kang

指導教授 : 林麗真


對漢晉之際思想的研究,多著力於漢代以天人關係、元氣論為主的思想,如何轉變為魏晉玄學。相較於這些以核心概念為主的研究取徑,本文選擇由士大夫論學思想這一視角切入,觀察整體學術發展的脈絡,尋繹此一轉變的內在理路。   漢代論學思想的基調,基本上由董仲舒所奠定。董仲舒將太學教育的目的,定位在「教化」與「養賢」兩大功能,並由此啟示「學」所蘊含的「教化」與「覺悟」之義。往後的論學思想發展,便循著這兩條主線,形成重視群體教化,和重視個體覺悟兩種論述。前者即為漢代主流的「教化為學」,而後者在漢代雖依附於「教化為學」的脈絡,但已為嵇康所提倡的「適性為學」埋下伏流。因此,由「教化為學」到「適性為學」的發展,並非一般論述中斷裂性的典範轉移。   從董仲舒到嵇康,本文透過三條主要脈絡的梳理:一、傳統經學本身的發展;二、士大夫「以學為本」認知下,對於論學思想的推展,包括其中所揭示的知性論學,以及在「學」與「情性」之間的關係上,論述得更為深刻;三、漢末清議興起後,論辯技巧、思辨方式,都有了新的發展,特別在道家思想的勃興下,對於士大夫的思想注入了新的活力,凡此都影響了當時論學思想的發展,並可觀察到其中的轉變。   經由這三條脈絡的梳理,最終聚焦於嵇康與張叔遼辯論「自然好不好學論」的議題。從中可以觀察到,嵇康一方面既反省傳統經學的權威性,又繼承士大夫「以學為本」的認知,並對於「情性」、「知性」等面向進一步地推展,最後得益於漢末以來清議、清談等對於言意問題、才性問題等新課題的探討,對個體彼此殊異的情性有所反思,進而闡發了「適性為學」此一思想。   本文欲透過「論學思想」這一研究視角,呈顯漢晉之際士大夫所認知的「學」、「性」、「知性」、「欲」、「情」等概念的變化如何反應在學術發展上,並希望為漢晉學術史的研究,提供另一種可能的途徑。


論學思想 教化 適性 太學 董仲舒 嵇康


In past study, scholars mostly focused on how Han and Jin's theories of the relationship between heaven and man and Chism transformed into Neo-Taoiam. Different from the studies based on comparison method, this thesis aims to find a new way to explain this change. Thus, my study will focus on the education theories claimed by the scholar-bureaucrats to observe the academic development throughout Han and Jin dynasties.   The basic tone of Han’s education theories is established by Dong Zhongshu. In his theory, the purpose of Imperial College education lies in doctrine teaching and cultivating virtuous talented people for the empire. In the meantime, these claims lead to the deeper meaning of enlightenment and self-realization. Later on in Han’s education concepts, enlightenment and self-realization have both progressed into new theories. The former turns into doctrine-teaching, and the latter individual learning. They do not replace each other.   This thesis examines three aspects of the academic development: 1. The transformation of classical Confucianism in Han dynasty. 2. Based on the concept “oriented learning,” the scholar-bureaucrats have indicated the relationship between education and intellectual functioning. They also point out the relationship between education and character, temperament or emotion. 3. In late Han dynasty, some scholar-bureaucrats keen to raise fair criticism(清議). It actuates scholar-bureaucrats to ponder on debating techniques and the way of critical thinking. All of these reasons have brought changes in education theories.   After the examination of these three aspects of academic development, the thesis then focuses on Xi Kang’s education theory. Xi Kang has debated with Zhang Shu Liao about whether mankind is naturally inclined to learn. In this debate, we know Xi Kang not only inherits the previous theories, but also establishes the doctrine of individualized instruction.   This thesis attempts to show what the scholar-bureaucrats think about education and learning. In addition, they also discuss mankind’s intellectual functioning, characteristics, temperament and desire within their learning and education theories. By applying the new way of researching, this thesis seeks to provide another approach to explain the transformation of Han and Jin's thoughts.




