  • 學位論文


Maintenance Mechanism For Urban Road Illumination Functions:Lessons Learned In Taipei Street Lights Maintenance Management

指導教授 : 廖慶隆 曾惠斌


市區道路照明主要是指路燈及其相關附屬設備;路燈提供照明功能,讓道路上車輛之駕駛與行人有良好的視覺,達到交通安全的目的,同時促進市民生活便利,能防止夜間犯罪活動。要使路燈能維持正常並提供適當之照明功能,就須有良好的路燈維護管理制度;同時在明確之照明功能要求下,能確實執行路燈維護或定期更換作業。 國內的路燈維護方式大都採「隨報隨修」;並以「失明率」來評估路燈維修的績效,但是對於路燈的維護機制尚未深入探討,以致維護成效無法彰顯。本研究運用「維護預防」的觀念,由現有規範擬訂設計、施工製造與維護運作三層面作預防考量與探討;並透過具經驗之路燈設計、施工與維護人員作專家訪談,歸納出路燈之問題分類。同時藉「健診維護」的方法,依據台北市路燈故障「市民電話通報」與「分區管理員查報」之部分紀錄;統計分析出路燈失效之問題點;並由研究分析,得知路燈故障主要原因為「燈泡不亮」及「地下線路損壞」二項最多。另依「二八法則」;以影響問題最多者尋求專家訪談作改善對策。最後探討最適化之路燈維護模式,並歸納對路燈故障排除與維護,研擬路燈定期更換與巡修頻率;同時確保路燈維修材料之品質,以延長路燈使用壽命;對委外預約維護廠商之履約能力、每次出工動員費用之核算、施工查核與工程品質、估驗計價與部分驗收及起算保固期限等均須加強管理,以充分發揮「快捷便利、隨報隨修、有效提昇施工效率」之特性。另外,維護管理機制納入資訊化系統管理,可以提昇維護效能。同時本研究之建議可提供後續維護管理機制之參考。


The urban street illumination mainly depends on the street lights and their correlative apparatuses. The street lights can provide illumination function, keep good street vision for the drivers and the pedestrians, achieve the goal of traffic safety, lower the crime rate, and promote the convenient living of the residents. To enable the street illumination function normally, the authorities must have a good street lights maintenance/ management institution. Meanwhile, according to the illumination function standards to carry out the street lights maintenance works regularly. Mostly the domestic street lights maintenance follows "repairing with noticed", appraises the street lights repair and the maintenance achievements by "blackout rate", but not yet discussed probing the street lights maintenance mechanism, so that the maintenance result is unable to reveal. This thesis utilizes the "Maintenance Prevention’s concept", consider prevention to the designing, construction, and maintenance aspects by the standard codes, and through expert interview with the experienced designers and managers, to classify the issue, so as analyze the problem through " Proactive Maintenance’s method" to checking part of the street lights breakdown records noticed by the citizens and the district maintenance crew, the author found that the main reason of street lights blackout is "the street light’s bulb breakdown" or "the underground line damaged". In addition, according to the “2/8 principles”, using expert interview to propose the countermeasure solutions. Moreover, the discussion through most suitable street lights maintenance pattern to get rid of street lights trouble, regular replacement and frequent patrolling and repairing. For upkeep the quality of the street lights service materials, the authorities can lengthen the street lights life span. For a contracted maintaining company, However, in practical operations, the company’s ability of fulfilling the contract (to be supposed to have machines and manpower), calculates expense at each maintenance work in true and due process, checks the project quality, estimates pays , the partial approvals of engineering, and calculated it’s guarantee deadline, etc. all have to be strengthened , and then the characteristics such as "quick & convenient”, “repair immediately”, and “promotion efficiency” are fulfilled. In the maintenance/ management’s aspect, applying the information system to the street lights maintenance may promote potency. The result of this thesis may help the functioning of maintenance/ management mechanism.


【1】工程會,「公共工程技術資料庫整合」 2.5道路照明及道路照明基本圖,2004年 5月
【2】工程會,「公共工程施工綱要規範」 第16525章「道路照明」,2004年5月


