  • 學位論文


A Study on Member Role, Collaboration, Participation and Performance of Project-based Learning in a Multimedia Project Team

指導教授 : 岳修平


由於資訊通訊的發達,多媒體影音成為社會大眾喜歡用以接受大量資訊的媒介之一,在教育上也廣被使用,結合了專題式學習後更有多媒體專案之形成,而由學生組成多媒體影片專案小組之課程也因為有助於學生能力提升及促進學習效果而日益興盛。過去文獻認為一般學習小組中不同性別在學習過程中有不同的行為、參與度以及合作互動情形,進而產生不同的學習表現;同時,學習小組亦會發展出不同的成員角色以完成任務,若能針對成員角色的合作情形進行分析將能了解促進小組表現的最佳組合。此外,能力亦被視為影響學習表現之因素之一。 然而過去多媒體專案相關研究較著重於運用多媒體專案於課堂之教學方法對學習的助益度,抑或關注於製作出的影片品質,較少探究由學生自行製作具教學性質的影片者之知識學習情形,且較忽略「參與者」的重要,以及在學習過程中會影響到學習表現之小組性別比例、成員角色及合作參與等因素。 因此本研究以一所大學學程裡的教育傳播類課程之班級小組為研究對象,該課程要求小組完成具教育性質的多媒體教學專案影片做為學習評量之依據。本研究透過混合研究方法,藉由對質化資料的文本分析以及對量化資料的相關分析與描述性統計進行交叉檢證,以深入了解小組性別比例、成員角色、合作參與及專案學習表現。 研究結果發現性別對小組互動行為的影響並非如文獻所言之特定化,但適當的異質性小組確實能使小組有多面向且多元的能力、專長以及觀點。此外,多媒體教學影片專案小組應包含任務導向的意見領導者、溝通協調者、任務執行者及配合者四種角色,以及緩和氣氛並提升士氣的表達性角色。同時,執行專案影片需透過專長能力來進行合理的角色分工,並藉由適當的小組聯繫工具增加組員參與度,促使小組增加凝聚力以共同完成多媒體教學專案影片,更能進一步提升專案學習表現。本研究結果以期供未來相關研究與教學之參考。


Along with the development of information and communication technology, multimedia video has become the main stream in life and education, and which leads to the learning style of multimedia project. Multimedia project is a kind of project-based learning, and that can promote students’ abilities and learning performance. Researches about learning groups found gender and abilities can make collaboration, participation different and which leads to influence learning performance. Meanwhile, task-oriented learning groups may develop member roles to complete the task, so analyzing member roles would know the way to promote project performance. However, researches preferred to focus on the video quality, rather than the knowledge and educational video skills that students learn. And still, the “participants” in collaborative learning group are important, which make the project performances different. In order to understand the relationships between those variables in the multimedia project context, this case study analyzed gender ratio, member role, collaboration, participation and project performance in multimedia project teams of students from a college-level course and use mix research method to combine qualitative research and quantitive research.The multiple sources and the triangulation of data enhanced the validity and reliability of the study findings. This study shows that gender has few relationship in a multimedia project team, but heterogeous teams will combine multiple viewpoints and skills. Multimedia project teams may take on task-oriented roles to complete the group work, including dominator, coordinator, implementer and cooperator roles. In addition to task-oriented roles taken by the members, expressive roles also appeared to be important for the multimedia project implementation to release the tension. Still, this study found the necessity of working together on a multimedia project through professional skill, and by adequate connective tools to increase the member participation. In this way the multimedia project teams can increase the group cohesion and fulfill the multimedia project together, finally promote the multimedia project performance.This paper will offer further discusses results of the study and proposes suggestions to the field.


張基成、王秋錳(2008)。台北市高職教師資訊科技融入教學之影響因素。教育實踐與研究,21(1),97-132 。


