  • 學位論文


Consumers´Purchasing Intention towars“Top 100 Premium Agricultural Products of Farmers´& Fishermen´s Associations in Taiwan”

指導教授 : 吳榮杰


在消費者對食安意識高漲的年代,對於食物的需求已從量的滿足,轉為對質 的要求,追求高品質農產品已是消費者重要的心聲,也是精緻農業發展的契機, 農委會資源整合以「產品分級、市場區隔」的概念,推動的「台灣農漁會百大精品」這個品牌活動,舉辦至今已進入第十年,為了要瞭解消費者對於「品牌」與「百大精品」農產品,兩者品牌間的認知差異,進而探討消費者,是否願意付出較高的價格去購買「百大精品」農產品,是本研究的主要目地,本研究利用問卷調查的方式取得資料,以集群分析、市場區隔分析及選擇研究模型,探討消費者對「百大精品」購買意願,進行分析探討。   實證結果發現消費者聽過「品牌」農產品者是佔74%、買過者是佔80%、對品質有信心者佔75%;知道「百大精品」者佔36%、在問卷得知有「百大精品」這個品牌下,願意購買者佔63%、認同品質者佔72%、願意看到「百大精品」這個品牌出現者佔79%,顯示目前「百大精品」的品牌知名度仍然不高;研究顯示消費者購買「品牌」農產品是以自己食用為主,「百大精品」則以送禮為主;因為影響消費者購買意願的因素是多元並重,以媒體訊息及食安品質為重點,有機食材的概念也是消費者關心的議題,研究發現消費者願意介紹親朋好友購買「百大精品」是高於「品牌」農產品,呈現出消費者肯定「百大精品」的品質及口碑,但購買的方便性會影響他們的購買意願;研究中發現,另一個議題是消費者願意付出較高的價格購買品質較好的農產品高於「百大精品」,顯示消費者對「百大精品」的品牌形象仍有很大的進步空間。   農委會專案推動「百大精品」活動,帶給台灣精緻農業新契機,但未有法源依據,執行的邊際效果發揮無法延續,若能編列預算做長期的規劃與執行,對「百大精品」未來的發展勢必有一番新風貌。


Since consumers have started becoming increasingly aware about food safety, the demand for quantity has changed to a demand for quality. The pursuit of high-quality agricultural products has been an important consideration for consumers and also presents an opportunity for fine agriculture development. By integrating its resources and applying the concept of “product grading and market segmentation,” The Council of Agriculture has been successful in promoting the “Top 100 Premium Agricultural Products of Farmers & Fishermen” brand event in Taiwan. The Council is currently in its tenth year. The main aim of this research is to understand how consumers differentiate between “branded” products and the “Top 100 premium” agricultural products, and to explore consumers’ willingness to pay higher prices for the latter. This research used questionnaires to collect data, and cluster analysis, market segmentation analysis, and the choice model to analyze and study consumers’ buying intention of the “Top 100 premium” brands. The empirical results showed that 74% of consumers had heard about “branded” agricultural products, 80% had purchased them before, and 75% were confident about their quality. The results also showed that 36% of consumers knew about the “Top 100 premium” products, 63% were willing to purchase a particular brand after learning about them from the questionnaire, 72% trusted their quality, and 79% preferred to see these products in the market. These results indicated that awareness of the “Top 100 premium” brand was still not high. The study found that consumers bought “branded” agricultural products mainly for their personal use, whereas they bought the “Top 100 premium” products to give away as gifts. Since the factors that affect consumer purchase preferences vary, media messages and food safety quality are important. The concept of organic food is also a topic of interest for consumers. This study shows that consumers’ willingness to recommend the “Top 100 premium” products to their relatives and friends was higher than their willingness to recommend “branded” agricultural products, suggesting that consumers accepted the quality and reputation of the former. However, the convenience of shopping for these products will determine their purchasing preferences. Further, the results of this study show that consumers were willing to pay higher prices for agricultural products of better quality than the “Top 100 premium” products, suggesting there is considerable scope to improve the image of the “Top 100 premium” brand among consumers. The “Top 100 premium” project promoted by The Council of Agriculture has created an opportunity for fine agriculture in Taiwan. However, without the necessary legislations , the marginal effects of implementation will be temporary . If a budget accounts for long-term planning and execution, there will certainly be hope for the future development of the “Top 100 premium” brands. Keywords: Branded Agricultural Products, Top 100 Premium Products, Resource Integration, Product Grading, Market Segmentation, Choice Model.


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