  • 學位論文


A Study on 3D Printing’s Copyright and Patent issues: Focus on the Computer-Aided Design file for 3D Printing

指導教授 : 謝銘洋


本論文係針對新興之3D列印技術興起後,3D列印所衍生之商業模式與使用者行為加以分析,探討其在我國現行著作權法與專利權法之框架下,是否產生新科技與法制度之衝突。由於3D列印多是由3D印表機依據電腦輔助設計圖(CAD檔案)所生成,因此3D列印所衍生之商業模式與使用者行為,皆與3D電腦輔助設計圖(CAD檔案)有重大關聯,本論文亦以此為出發作為研究核心,由CAD檔案本身於著作權或專利法下之法律定性開始分析,再進一步研究3D列印所涉及的相關行為,例如建置CAD檔案、上傳CAD檔案、經營CAD檔案分享網站、下載以及利用該檔案3D列印在著作權與專利法上應如何評價。 本文之研究方法,主要為文獻整理分析法,根據現代專利法與著作權法之規定為探討基礎,此外,比較法則輔以美國之文獻,藉由美國專利法、著作權法以及其重要司法實務見解,分析針對3D列印之新科技衝擊,在我國法制度上應如何應對。 經過研究後得知,上述有關CAD檔案之行為,同一類行為間縱使表面上極為相似,例如掃描米老鼠或受設計專利保護之手機殼建置CAD檔案,在現行法制下,將因為該實體物是受到著作權或專利法保護,或甚至只是歸類於不同之著作類型,即有落差懸殊之法律責任,而缺乏法律背景之一般3D列印參與者,容易因此難以預期其行為之法律風險,且實務上對於民事共同侵權或間接侵權之操作,以及著作權法尚有刑事責任下,皆提升了民眾眾誤觸法網的機率,若將來權利人開始法律訴訟,勢必將對3D列印社群造成寒蟬效應而影響該新興科技之發展。對此紊亂之法律定性與責任,本文認為若3D列印更為普及時,應可考慮將CAD檔案另行透過修法,確定其法律地位以及相關3D列印行為之法律效果,方可避免大量之3D列印相關行為,陷入法律責任關係不明之渾沌中。


The study is about the legal issues of 3D printing and its surroundings behaviors under copyright and patent law. To realize a 3D printing, the user usually must execute a Computer-Aided Design file (CAD file), which illustrate the outcome of 3D printing. Since the CAD is highly related to 3D printing, establishing, uploading and downloading CAD file, and even establishing networking website for sharing CAD shall all be analyzed under copyright and patent law. This thesis discovers that there are many CAD illustrating products which are protected by copyright or patent law, and thus, the behaviors which make use of the CAD file will cause a legal responsibility if the users are lack of the permission of the copyright or patent right owmer. Furthermore, the legal responsibility will diverge as long as the product is classified as different kind of copyright of patent. Threrefore, it is almost impossible for common users to expect the legal outcome of their behavior. Through the research, this thesis discovers that it is necessary to amend our copyright and patent law for endowing 3D printing’s CAD file a proper legal status and for judging the surrounding behaviors of CAD appropriately.


謝銘洋(2006),《著作權案例彙編. 4,美術著作篇》,頁21,台北:經濟部智慧財產局。
