  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study on Blockchain Application to Financing Process for Construction Industry

指導教授 : 陳柏翰


對於營造業來說現金流的控管是十分重要的一環,從專案一開始要繳交的各種保證金和工程期間的各式支出,使得營造廠在初期現金流即為負數,因此借貸融資成功與否對於營造廠來說十分重要,而融資成功的關鍵對於中小型營造廠來說,往往取決於資訊的透明、可靠,如果能讓放貸方相信放款的款項確實應用於工程專案上,並且同時得知工程的運行狀況,這樣會有助於放貸方降低管理的成本。本研究會探討如何透過區塊鏈的透明、同步、不可竄改等特性應用區塊鏈於中小型營造業融資。 區塊鏈是一種可信任的分布式帳本,其特性具有去中心化、透明、可信任、不可竄改等特性,其運作是透過密碼學、數據存儲結構、共識機制來支撐,目前世界上有許多專案在試用區塊鏈來整合產業間的問題,採用區塊鏈管理的好處有提升效率、降低成本等好處。 本研究透過文獻回顧的方式,整理現今中小型營建業在融資時銀行認為有疑慮的部分,並回顧當前區塊鏈企業採用案例,同時導入區塊鏈應用框架判斷區塊鏈應用情境,再使用現有區塊鏈能提供之工具,提出可能的融資應用流程,並透過智能合約和網頁框架實做出可應用於融資期間之系統。最後再進行專家訪談,去了解業主、營造廠、銀行對於區塊鏈系統的看法。


The control of cash flow is a very important part of the construction industry. From the beginning of the project to pay all kinds of security and all kinds of expenditure during the project, so that the construction plant in the initial cash flow is negative. So lending financing success is very important for construction company, and the key to success of financing for small and medium-sized construction company, often depends on transparent and reliable information, if company can convince lenders loan money really is applied to the construction project, and realize that engineering operation condition at the same time, this will help lenders to reduce management costs. This study will explore how to use block chain in financing through its characteristics of transparency, synchronization and non-tampering. Blockchain is a kind of distributed ledger, its characteristic is decentralized, transparency, trust, do not tamper with features, its operation is through the cryptography, data storage structure, the consensus mechanisms to support, at present there are many projects in the trial block chain in the world to integrate industry, the problem between the benefits of using block chain management improve efficiency, reduce cost and other advantages. Through literature review and sorting out the current small and medium-sized construction industry in financing Banks think there are doubts, and discuss how to use block chain in financing, and import the block chain application framework to decide the block chain application situation. It then proposes possible application processes based on the tools available in the existing environment and implements a system that can be used for financing through smart contracts and web frameworks. Finally, the expert interview is conducted to understand the views of owners, construction company and Banks on the blockchain system.


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