  • 學位論文

新媒體藝術展覽之整合行銷傳播策略之研究 ~國立故宮博物院個案分析

Integrated Marketing Communication of New Media Art Exhibitions : A Case Study of Taiwan’s National Palace Museum

指導教授 : 陳明通
共同指導教授 : 柯承恩(Chen-En Ko)


使用數位化方式呈現文物已經是當代博物館的特性之一,故宮於2011年第一次嘗試在文物知識基礎之上,以新媒體藝術作為展示手法,改變過去被動式的博物館經驗,透過轉化與元素擷取的展示設計回應時代的趨勢。於對話媒介、訊息傳遞模式中融合科技與人文,鼓勵觀眾主動創作、分享,以當代人喜愛的途徑與管道、易於瞭解的串連,啟發觀眾,誘發思考。同時改變大眾對故宮的印象,在跨時空的文脈中提供思考與對話的情境,走入大眾的日常。對於擁有豐富館藏的故宮而言,是行銷故宮品牌,更是加強品牌共鳴的機會,對內能發揮展覽的多元性與互動性,對外則能提升博物館的公共化與年輕化,同時擴大國際的能見度。 本研究欲從整合行銷傳播策略角度做探討,整合行銷的好處在於了解訊息的傳播,藉由整合訊息對象與內容,選擇適合的傳播工具,並保持訊息的一致性,與消費者建立良好的雙向溝通平台,消費者能了解品牌的精神,並認同品牌價值;對故宮來說,一致性的傳播策略,能維持品牌訊息,運用行銷工具的組合達到最大的綜效。 新媒體藝術展整合行銷傳播策略的意義在於以企劃與執行作為管道,滿足觀眾的需求與期待,重新設定目標市場,針對利益關係人,設計讓他們信服的溝通訊息,在符合預算與博物館教育的基礎上,選擇適當的行銷工具與策略。 本研究透過個案研究、文獻分析法,初步建構出適合新媒體藝術展覽的整合行銷傳播策略,再透過故宮館方人員的深度訪談,來了解新媒體藝術展覽在整合行銷傳播策略採行的程度與內容。根據訪談結果驗證與修正本研究的整合行銷傳播策略。策略修正如下: 發展展覽計畫:在符合故宮組織架構與內部文化特性的前提下,據目標對象的需求與期待,平衡各利益關係,規劃出適合的展示內容、展示設計。 觀眾部分:運用質化的觀眾研究與評量,了解觀眾的博物館經驗,包含觀眾的態度、共享偏好、行為、訊息接收程度等。 行銷傳播元素的策略:新媒體藝術展覽以新興媒體與公共關係接觸目標觀眾,在傳播工具的使用上必須檢視其在宣傳時是否符合整合行銷傳播策略的原則。 外部績效指標:以新興媒體的後台數據作為外部績效整合窗口,結合內部資料庫流量追蹤與交叉分析。


The use of digitalization to present artifacts has become one of the characteristics of contemporary museums. For the first time in the year of 2011, National Palace Museum, on the basis of knowledge of artifacts, attempted to use new media art as a display method to change the passive museum experiences in the past and respond to the trend of the era through transformation and exhibit designs captured by elements. The medium of communication and mode of information transfer were integrated with technology and humanities, encouraging the audience to actively create and share. With the approaches and channels favored by modern people and connections that were easy to understand, the audience were enlightened and induced to think, and the public’s impression of National Palace Museum was changed simultaneously. Situations of thinking and dialogues were provided in the context across time and space, entering the daily life of the public. For National Palace Museum, which has a wealth of collections, this was a chance to not only market its brand but strengthen the resonance with it. The diversity and interactivity of the exhibitions could be demonstrated internally, and the publicization and youthfulness of the museum promoted as well as the international visibility expanded externally. This study aimed to explore the issue from the perspective of marketing strategy of integrated marketing communications. The advantage of integrated marketing was to understand the spread of information. By integrating message objects and content, appropriate communication tools were selected, and the consistency of information maintained. A two-way communication platform with customers was constructed, which allowed them to understand the spirit of the brand and identify with its value. For National Palace Museum, a consistent communications strategy could maintain the brand message and achieve maximum synergy using the combination of marketing tools. The significance of new media art exhibitions integrated with marketing communication strategy lied in marketing and implementation as an approach to meet the needs and expectations of the audience, re-establish target markets, and target at stakeholders to design communication messages that could convince them. On the bases of matching the budget and museum education, appropriate marketing tools and strategies would be selected. Through case studies and literature analysis methods, this study preliminarily constructed an integrated marketing communication strategy suitable for the New Media Art Exhibition. The level and content of the strategy New Media Art Exhibition adopted was understood through in-depth interviews with the staff of National Palace Museum. The integrated marketing communication strategy of this study was verified and revised according to the results of the interviews. The strategy was amended as followed. I. Developing the exhibition plan: In the premise of fitting the organizational structure and internal cultural characteristics of National Palace Museum, various interests would be balanced, and suitable exhibit content and design planned based on the requirements of the target’s needs and expectations. II. The audience: The use of qualitative audience research and evaluation would help understand the audience’s museum experience, including their attitude, sharing preferences, behavior, the level of receiving information, etc. III. The strategy of the elements of marketing communications: The New Media Art Exhibition contacted the target audience with emerging media and public relations. In terms of the use of communication tools, it was necessary to examine whether the tools adhered to the principle of integrated marketing communication strategy during promotion. IV. External performance indicators: The background data of emerging media were used as the demonstration of integrating external performance to combine traffic tracking and cross-analysis of the internal database.


