  • 學位論文


Optimal Allocation of Water Retention Facilities on Slopeland

指導教授 : 孫志鴻


在氣候劇烈變遷的現今,洪水災害的規模極速劇增,誰也不能保證100年的防洪設施能夠逸立不搖20年;因此擴大設施規模再也不符合未來發展的脈絡,唯有集結每個人貢獻才能編織出最有效的防護網。有鑑於此,本研究提出「分眾保水」一詞,強調透過「群眾」以「保水」的方式來達到最佳的防洪效果,也就是在山坡地中之不透水區以多點設置保水設施的方式來達到減少地表逕流效果;在此架構下,本研究結合了降雨逕流模式與啟發式演算法來模擬找出保水設施的最佳空間配置與防洪效果。結果顯示,不同的空間配置與保水設施的啟動時間確實會對洪峰逕流量產生影響,在模擬案例中,當無保水設施時洪峰逕流量為5.87043340 (m/hr),而加設保水設施後的最佳結果顯示,將洪峰逕流量減少了12.15% 到達5.15741359 (m/hr),證實分眾保水對於防洪有一定的成效。


Nowadays, the climate change becomes more and more serious. The scale of flood disaster is much bigger than before. No one can guarantee that the 100 years return period facilities can keep the flood from us for 20 years. Therefore, unlimited enlarge the scale is neither the best choice nor a trend in the foreseeable future. If everyone can return the water, it seems an effective way. In regard to this, the paper put forward the term “Distributed Water Retention”. As implied by the name, we put an emphasis on “distributed” and “retain water”. If everyone can retain water together, it must be an optimal way for flood control. In other words, we can reduce the run-off peak. In the study, we try to combine rainfall-runoff model and heuristic algorithm to simulate different situations, and find the optimal allocation of the water retention facilities. The study shows that different allocation has an effect on run-off peak. In the design case, the original run-off peak is 5.87043340 (m/hr). After putting the water retention facilities parameter inside the model, the run-off peak becomes 5.15741359 (m/hr), and it’s 12.15% lower than the original data.


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