  • 學位論文


Development and Implementation of Wireless Sensor Network for Bridge Management

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


近年來由於全球氣候日趨異常,降雨量常導致溪水暴漲,進而在洪水的衝擊之下容易造成橋墩的破壞,如何對橋樑實施安全性的監測便成為相當重要的課題,然而目前橋樑的監測系統以有線傳輸訊號為主,管線安裝複雜且建置成本隨著橋梁長度而增加,因此本研究之主要目的為利用加速度規結合無線監測網路 (Wireless Sensor Network) 系統,對橋墩進行微振動監測,其監測資料利用無線網路傳輸,得到監測值並做富利葉轉換後可得到橋墩之自然頻率值,以推估橋墩目前的沖刷深度。 本研究於彰化的中沙大橋建置無線監測系統,利用WSN將訊號收集後利用網際網路回傳至台北的監測中心,將所得的加速度值利用快速富利葉轉換 (FFT)即可得到即時的橋墩頻率,即可反推求得橋墩之沖刷深度,並儲存於資料庫中,本研究亦建立網路上的監測平台,即時更新目前的安全狀況,提供給民眾及橋梁管理人員判斷之依據。然而在開發過程中常遇到因取樣頻率過大導致封包遺失等問題造成無法分析出正確頻率圖,經過改正後,該系統已可收到完整的封包訊號。 本研究另一部分為將無線網路監測系統建置於中沙大橋概念,改製成移動式設備盒,並使其具備行動性,並新店溪流域中的福和橋墩作為本研究的實測對象,將測得的數據作結構頻率之分析,以求得橋墩之安全性。除此之外,本研究亦使用移動式設備於中沙大橋進行量測,進一步找出中沙大橋正確量測的方法,提供給後續研究人員對該設備做進一步的改良。


As the weather becomes more and more extreme, the heavy rainfalls and floods have hit the bridges in Taiwan. The stability and bearing capacity of the piers are drastically decreased as the turbulent rushes towards the bridge. Therefore a reliable early warning system should be developed to monitor and to ensure the structural safety of the bridge. The data of bridge monitoring system are mainly transmitted by fixed cable for long-term monitoring in the past. However, the cost of system establishment will be risen with increasing transmission distance for easily hundreds of meters of bridge, and the scalability of system is relatively lower than wireless system. Thus, we hope to develop a wireless sensor network (WSN) that achieves the characteristics of low-cost, short installing time and convenient relocation. For the field-implementation, the system is installed on Chung-Sha Bridge, Taiwan. The selection and development process of software and hardware are the main point in this research. Especially, accelerometer is adopted as the sensor. With the collocation of hardware devices, the data collected by the WSN system could be completely transmitted to the database in Taipei. The other part of this study is mobile module which is connected with portable power supply. After developing the module, Fuho Bridge in Taipei was chosen as the implementation object to get accelerator data. Through Fast Fourier Transform, the peak value of the frequency spectrum can be obtained. The research team also implemented the mobile module on Chung-Sha Bridge to test the feasibility of this system. It’s hoped that this research could be a reference to other researchers.


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