  • 學位論文


Study of Phylogenetic Relationship and Environmental Adaption in the Genus Isoetes in Taiwan

指導教授 : 徐源泰
共同指導教授 : 張育森


水韭屬植物(Isoetes sp.) 為一起源於古生代之物種,目前臺灣水韭(I. taiwanensis DeVol)為臺灣唯一被命名之水韭,然而1991年時,金門太武山上亦發現水韭之棲地。前人研究中,金門地區水韭與臺灣水韭之各種特徵極為相似,但仍有些許差異性,而以internally transcribed spacers(ITS)區域及LEAFY homolog的第二個intron(LFY)做為分子標誌,均未能對金門地區水韭之身分做一良好解說;且金門之水韭棲地範圍狹小,水位淺且易乾涸,水韭數量甚少。本研究中,以RAPD方法分析所得結果,發現金門地區水韭與臺灣水韭之相似度僅31.42%,與寬葉水韭(I. japonica)相似度為34.32%,而以聚合酶連鎖反應擴增臺灣水韭、金門地區水韭及寬葉水韭之小分子熱休克蛋白sHSP21基因保守序列部分片段,得其長度為410 bp,結果發現金門地區水韭與臺灣水韭兩者基因序列相似度達96.7%,與寬葉水韭相似度則為90.9%,闡釋金門地區水韭應與臺灣水韭有所差異。為解釋何以金門地區水韭能生存於太武山上叫嚴苛之環境,故模擬金門地區夏季溫度變化處理金門地區水韭與臺灣水韭,並分析其sHSP21 mRNA之表現量,結果發現金門水韭在育到高溫刺激時,能快速表達sHSP21 mRNA,臺灣水韭則表達較慢,顯示金門地區水韭能快速適應高溫的環境。此外,本實驗中亦以不同溫度處理金門地區水韭與臺灣水韭之大、小孢子不同天數,觀察溫度變化對於孢子萌發之情形,期望對於日後水韭復育有所幫助,結果金門地區水韭以5℃低溫處理過之大孢子萌發率較高,臺灣水韭則是以35℃處理後之大孢子萌發率較高,顯示金門地區水韭與臺灣水韭孢子萌發之生理狀況甚異。然而,以RAPD分析金門太武山水韭棲地內其水韭之遺傳多樣性,發現其PPB僅18.82 %,金門地區水韭有瀕臨滅絕之危機。


Isoetes sp. is an ancient plant since Late Devonia. There only one I. sp. had been named I. taiwanensis DeVol in Taiwan. However, there was found another habitat of I. sp. at the Taiwu mountain in Kinmen. In the pass research, the characteristics of quillwort in Kinmen are similar to I. taiwanensis, but still have some differences between two of them. And the internally transcribed spacers(ITS) region and the second intron of LEAFY homolog are not proper to be the molecular marker on distinguishing the phylogeny of the quillwort in Kinmen. Besides, the range of habitat in Kinmen is narrow, and the amount of quillwort is few. The aim to discuss the phylogeny of this quillwort, RAPD and small heat shock protein sHSP21 was used in this study. The RAPD analysis also showed only 31.42% similarity between I. taiwanensis and the quillwort in Kinmen. And by amplifying the sHSP21 partial conserved sequence of I. taiwanensis and the quillwort in Kinmen with Polymerase Chain Reaction, it was found 96.7% similarity between them. In addition, the sHSP21 mRNA expression and spore germination as well as temperature response varies between these two samples. And the data in this thesis showed the genetic diversity of the quillwort group at Kinmen habitat is very low and this species of quillwort is endangered.


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