  • 學位論文


The Study on the Forty-Eight Heights Site and its Net Sinkers

指導教授 : 陳有貝


四八高地遺址位於花蓮市東北方濱海沙丘上,為一處新發現之考古遺址。由於本遺址過去尚無相關考古紀錄,為了解本遺址範圍與其文化內涵,故於2012年10月及2013年1月進行兩次正式的考古調查與發掘。根據針對本遺址出土資料的研究整理,可對本遺址之地下埋藏狀態與文化內涵有相當程度的認識。由於遺址位於沙丘上,導致有機物的保存不易,但藉由碳素標本之測定,可知本遺址年代為距今3,637-3,353年前。 本遺址出土遺物以陶器和石器為主。在陶器方面,有大量罐形器、盆、豆形器,以及缽與盆形陶蓋等;在石器方面,則有大量的石片器與網墜,另有斧鋤形器、石核、火燒石等伴出。據出土陶器之紋飾判斷,本遺址之內涵屬於東部繩紋紅陶文化。另外,出土資料與地表採集、鑽探的結果更顯示,遺址分佈應集中於北側及西南側兩處不完全連續之地點。再者,根據遺址地理環境與大量且多樣化的網墜出土之現象,推測該地史前人群之生業活動型態應與漁業行為有密切關係。 另外,本遺址出土網墜數量眾多,其砝碼形網墜下可再分為六種亞型。筆者於文中以李匡悌針對鵝鑾鼻遺址出土之網墜所進行的研究為基礎,進一步提出網墜的不同形制與重量,皆在漁撈活動中扮演的不同的角色與功能,故其各個測量數值間也應該存在顯著差異。同時,亦經由針對不同功能網墜凹缺程度的分析,討論四八高地人群有意識地根據不同功能而製作不同形制網墜的可能性。 本文在分析上希望從過去的研究成果中提出新的論述,並藉由此研究結果,冀能提供往後研究者對於此區域的史前環境與人群生業技術有進一步的了解。


The 48-Heights Site, located on the coastal dune of northeastern Hualien city, is a new archaeological site discovered in 2012. Since the requirement of cultural asset evaluation before the National Culture Park of Sculpture, and no archaeological information about this area has been record, the Department of Anthropology, NTU, executed the excavations during October, 2012 and January, 2013. Based on the process of excavation and the data compilation, we can have some knowledge about the 48-Heights Site. The main remains of the 48-Heights Site contain lots of pottery containers, especially ceramic pots, and a large number of chipped flakes and net sinkers are also characteristic of this site. The 48-Heights Site can be dated to 3,637-3,353 B.P., and its cultural deposits belong to Eastern Jomon-Pottery Culture. Moreover, according to the culture deposits of this site and its location, we can also reasonably suppose that people lived in 48-Heights might lead their lives by fishing. On the other way, the large number of net sinkers with different kinds and shapes is good material for us to discuss the probability of manufacturing standardization. This thesis suggests that the different shape and weight of net sinkers both play important roles and have different functions in fishing activities, in addition, the measure value, length, width, thickness, waist, and weight, will also present significant difference. After distributing the net sinkers into different groups according to their weights and shapes, and analyzing all the measure value of the net sinkers with some statistical analysis method. The result suggests that different group of net sinkers have significant difference on their measure value. Therefore, the result can support the suggestion that people lived in the 48-Heights might manufacture different shapes of net sinkers according to their different functions. This thesis may not able to get rid of the traditional mode of assuming the pattern of occupation through the archaeological remains, but still hopes to provide a better understanding of prehistoric occupation technique of the 48-Heights Site.


2013 〈花蓮松園別館遺址試掘簡報〉。《人類與文化》44:190-216。
1974 〈台灣近海之漁業〉。《臺灣漁業研究》1:66-124。臺灣研究叢刊第112種。臺北:臺灣銀行經濟研究室。
