  • 學位論文


A Study of Linked Bibliographic Data System for Academic Libraries

指導教授 : 陳光華


資訊技術的快速發展,資料應用的迫切需求,使得圖書館必須持續思考圖書資訊服務的模式。為了滿足新的資源描述標準RDA及FRBR書目資料模型對資源描述的需求,以及促進圖書館資料的利用,圖書館MARC資料格式應逐漸遷移至鏈結資料格式。本研究使用國立臺灣大學圖書館書目資料,遵循鏈結資料建置原則,發展書目資料轉換的應用程序,將MARC資料格式轉換為鏈結資料格式,並建置鏈結資料資訊系統 <LIPS-LOD>,用以展示鏈結資料資訊系統可能的資訊服務樣貌。 本研究以建置<LIPS-LOD>的實作過程,提供圖書館鏈結資料系統的完整實作方法、程序以及經驗分享: 1. 建立鏈結資料模型 2. 產生鏈結資料集 3. 建置RDF TripleStore 4. 建置SPARQL Endpoint 5. 建置 <LIPS-LOD> 鏈結資料系統 最後,本研究提出發展鏈結資料系統遭遇的問題及研究發展建議,作為未來進行鏈結資料研究之參考。


The information technology is changing and developing rapidly, and the needs of data applications is urgently. It makes libraries think of new information service models. In order to meet the RDA standard and FRBR model to describe library resources and facilitate the use of library data, the proprietary MARC data format should be migrated to Linked data format gradually. The study is conforms the linked data principle, it developed a procedure to convert the MARC format to Linked Data format based on the library bibliographic data of National Taiwan University. The study has implemented a linked data information system <LIPS-LOD> to present various kinds of services as well. The implementation process for <LIPS-LOD> could provide methods, procedures, and experiences for interesting readers: 1. Establish a linked data model 2. Generate the Linked dataset 3. Build and tuning the RDF TripleStore 4. Build a SPARQL Endpoint 5. Implementing the <LIPS-LOD> linked data information system Finally, the study has identified challenging issues while developing the system, and proposes suggestions for future research.


Linked Data Linked Open Data Open Data Library Ontology Metadata RDA FRBR SemanticWeb SPARQL MARC


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