  • 學位論文


The Growth Inhibitory Effects of Aqueous Leachates from Agricultural Wastes on Chlorella vulgaris

指導教授 : 侯文祥


我國農林廢棄物因產源分散、缺乏集中收集及回收處理機制不完善,一般多在產地直接堆置、堆肥或焚燒等,為解決農林廢棄物回收管道不足及分解性剩餘資材過剩之問題,選用大葉欖仁落葉、稻篙與茶渣等3種台灣常見的農林生質廢棄物為材料,經紫外線(UV-C 237.5 nm)消毒殺菌、熱風乾燥並剪碎(φ≦10mm),以純水進行不同條件之浸製,每次試驗內容僅涉單因數變量;浸泡後以孔徑4um之定量濾紙過濾浸液,批次培養小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)連續進行96hr,並記錄小球藻濃度、 pH值 及 EC值,利用 GraphPad Prism 及 SPSS 求得回歸方程式、半致死濃度(LC50)。 試驗結果分析得知,大部分農業廢棄物浸液對小球藻增生具有抑制作用。為評估農業廢棄物固體量是否有效降低抑制量,由殘體乾重,換算求得每日降解率,最小為 0.3152 (± 0.08) % . day-1、最大為 2.0712 ± 0.08 % . day-1 。 三種農業廢棄物在浸泡過程中,皆對抑制小球藻生長有程度上的影響。其影響效益取決於浸製條件。研究得知,大葉欖仁落葉浸液多數具抑藻效率,平均抑藻率為 33.5 % ,佔全部有抑藻作用組數之 41.5 % ;其次為茶渣浸液,平均抑藻率為 1.9 % ,占全部有抑藻作用組數之 30.8 % ;稻蒿浸液對小球藻生長抑制影響不大,平均抑藻率為 - 47.5 % ,占全部有抑藻作用組別之 27.7 % 。浸泡比例2.017 (± 0.043) × 10-3 g.mL-1,浸泡溫度 15 ± 0.9 ℃,浸泡時間 21.67 ± 1.39 日之浸液對小球藻生長抑制影響最大,此時 EC 差值 4750.22 ± 101.94 μS.cm-1 , pH 差值 3.01 ± 0.14 。 水蚤毒性試驗之目的是為了篩選目的物種之安全性測試,由劑量-反應模式推估,水蚤半數致死濃度 LC50 約發生在 pH 5.713 ,以概率單位法 Probit 擬合毒性迴歸線 LC-p line,求出 IC50 約 51416 mol.mL-1 , LogicLC50 約 4.71 mol.mL-1 , 95% 可信賴區間為 20533 ~ 128624 mol.mL-1。顯示將植物浸液視為天然、低毒性之抑藻劑,是一種可行的方向。


小球藻 水蚤 落葉 稻蒿 茶渣 優養化


Agricultural Wastes due to the sources of scattered, lack of centralized collection and recycling mechanism is not perfect, generally more in the origin of the direct pile, composting or burning, etc., in order to solve the shortage of agricultural waste recycling and decomposition surplus of material problems remaining, enlarging the volume of leaching fallen leaves, rice straw and tea residue with distilled water by the ultraviolet disinfection sterilization (UV-C 237.5 nm), hot air drying and cutting (φ ≦ 10mm), on the process control, the technologic paramenters of leaching temperature, leaching time and dosing ratio. Batch culture Chlorella vulgaris for continuous 96hr, the filtrate after leachingwas filtered with a quantitative filter paper (4 μm), which the concentration, pH and EC value of Chlorella vulgaris were recorded. The regression equation and 50% lethal concentration (LC50) were obtained by GraphPad Prism and SPSS. The results showed that most of the aqueous leachates with strong anti-algae had a significant low pH value, but the pH value of the aqueous leachate from Terminalia catappa fallen leaves was not significantly lower than that of the other materials, and the total rate of inhibition was still higher than the average, may be caused by plant decay release of secondary metabolites; In addition to changes in the pH value of the water, the plant with different immersion conditions degradation process also releases other substances that inhibit or promote the growth of algae. The results showed that the aqueous leachate of the same plant had a significant effect on the growth inhibitory of Chlorella vulgaris, and the effects of leaching temperature, leaching time and dosing rate was significant. The aqueous Leachates from agricultural wastes in the impact of algae growth, is a variety of different factors integrated results. The relationship between the effective algae concentration and the bioavailability of the aqueous leachates was analyzed by the Daphnia magna hydrostatic method. The lethal concentration of the immersion liquid on the Daphnia magna was calculated by using the Daphnia magna as the experimental organisms. Using probit mode was used to fit the dose-response curve to find the virulence regression equation to predict the relevant parameters of the effective algae concentration.


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