  • 學位論文


From ERP to GRP:The Study of ERP Implementation Strategy and GRP Evolution in Wafer Manufacturing

指導教授 : 游張松


本論文以我國晶圓製造服務(Foundry)與整合元件製造公司(Integrated Deviced Manufacturer)的標竿企業作為個案分析對象,分析半導體產業的資訊系統發展沿革;提出ERP系統的建置議題、挑戰與導入策略;以及提出GRP發展趨勢及其系統架構,作為在ERP導入之後,企業為因應未來競爭需要的下一步努力方向。本論文的主要論點綜合歸納如下: 晶圓製造公司的資訊系統發展,為三個時期:(1) 前ERP時期-各部門自行開發MIS系統、 (2) ERP時期-跨部門資源整合規劃,以及(3) 後ERP時期-從研發創新至市場終端需求全面合作的跨供應鏈整合。 晶圓製造公司導入ERP系統所面臨的議題與挑戰。並建議ERP導入策略,以委託專業顧問公司建置,而且分階段式導入方式為之,方能有效克服困難,達成ERP系統導入的目標。 最後本研究亦提出兩類型GRP的系統架構:(1) Cluster GRP(叢集整合式GRP), (2) Full GRP(全面整合式GRP)。進一步說明ERP必須發展到GRP,才能進一步大幅提升產業的競爭力以及市場產銷營運效率。


ERP GRP MIS 半導體 晶圓製造


Four benchmark companies are selected from both Foundry and IDM segments in Taiwan for this study as business cases to analyze the evolution of information system in semiconductor industry. From this study, an implementation strategy is proposed to solve the issues and challenges they may encounter during the implementation. And finally a system trend called GRP and its architecture are suggested and interpreted to help those companies which will face the drastic future competition after their ERP implementation. The major findings are summarized as below: The evolution of the information system of wafer manufacturing is organized as three periods, namely; (1) pre-ERP period – each division develops its own MIS system, (2) ERP period – cross division resource integration planning, and (3) post-ERP Period– Cross supply chain integration from research and development to collaboration of end market. The issues and challenges encountered during the ERP implementation of wafer manufacturing companies are identified and explained. An effective strategy of ERP implementation, which is to outsource the implementation work to the experienced consulting firm and be conducted in a manner of phase-in approach, is recommended. Employing this strategy, those companies can overcome the difficulties of the implementation and achieve the objectives of the project. In the end, two types of GRP system architecture are presented: such as (1) Cluster GRP, and (2) Full GRP. The jump from ERP to GRP represents a significant raise of competitiveness in the industry and the excellence in market operations as well.


ERP GRP MIS Semi-conductor Wafer manufacturing


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