  • 學位論文


A Study on Information Avoidance Behavior of Facebook Users

指導教授 : 林奇秀


對大部分的人而言,社群媒體的使用已經是日常生活中密不可分的一部份,而在眾多具社群網站特色的社群媒體中,臉書可謂是最廣為人知,且擁有最多使用者的交流平台。然而,儘管多數人在日常生活中已習於透過臉書接收資訊,卻也可能因為資訊過多或感受到過多社交壓力等緣故,而選擇迴避臉書動態牆上的資訊。對於有能力且有機會獲得的資訊,採取忽略、迴避的行動,此即資訊行為相關研究中所提及之資訊迴避行為。 由於目前國內仍鮮少針對社群媒體上的日常生活資訊之資訊迴避行為研究,爰此,本研究乃透過網路問卷調查法,以臺灣地區之臉書使用者為研究對象,探討使用者在瀏覽臉書動態牆時,其資訊超載、社交超載,以及採取資訊迴避行為的實際情形,並加以了解不同特質的使用者族群,其在資訊超載、社交超載,以及採取資訊迴避行為上的差異;同時,本研究亦進一步分析資訊超載程度與社交超載程度對資訊迴避行為的影響為何。本研究於4月8日至4月30日進行正式問卷的發放,總計蒐集1053份有效問卷,並於5月上旬開始執行問卷資料的整備作業,以及著手後續之量化分析研究。 研究結果發現,臉書使用者偶爾或經常會感到資訊超載,例如常感受到在臉書上看到具有廣告意圖或內容不可信的文章,也較常認為某些貼文出現的重複性高或內容文意不清,並且覺得瀏覽臉書資訊相當耗費時間。同時,使用者偶爾也會感受到社交超載,例如覺得在臉書上維持社交生活對個人產生壓力感、因他人的臉書動態而受到負面影響、對他人產生比較與羨慕之感等。此外,使用者亦常會在瀏覽臉書動態時產生負面情緒,且不再對透過臉書獲得資訊抱持如以往的高度熱忱,反而產生煩膩、倦怠的感受。至於使用者較常使用的資訊迴避策略,則包括忽略、視而不見、減少使用臉書的時間與頻率等,較少使用者直接刪除臉書帳號。 本研究亦發現,女性使用者普遍較男性使用者較常感到資訊超載、社交超載、負面情緒、社群媒體倦怠,且較常採取被動回應與減少使用等資訊迴避策略。而年齡對整體資訊超載、社交超載無顯著差異,年紀較長的使用者較無負面情緒、社群媒體倦怠,年紀較輕的使用者較常有資訊迴避情況。平均每日使用臉書少於5分鐘者較常感受到資訊超載、社群媒體倦怠,且較常具有資訊迴避行為。與使用時間多寡相似,每天使用臉書少於一次的使用者也有較高程度的資訊超載、社群媒體倦怠,且較常有資訊迴避行為。至於好友人數的不同則對資訊超載、社交超載、負面情緒等方面無顯著差異,僅在社群媒體倦怠的平均分數達到顯著水準。 最後,本研究發現,資訊超載、社交超載、負面情緒、社群媒體倦怠對資訊迴避行為的整體迴歸模式達到顯著,資訊超載與社交超載僅為低度相關關係,但資訊超載與社交超載分別會直接對資訊迴避行為產生正向影響,不僅如此,資訊超載與社交超載亦會以負面情緒與社群媒體倦怠為中介變項,對資訊迴避行為產生間接影響。 根據前述研究結果,研究者提出相關之建議,包括:經常感受到資訊超載的使用者,可採取適當之資訊迴避策略,尤其,以女性與25-30歲族群為主,宜對於個人的資訊超載或社交超載情況有所認識,並採取適當之資訊迴避策略。另一方面,應用臉書平台提供服務者與臉書營運單位可加以關注使用者的資訊超載與社交超載情況,以避免臉書使用者的黏著度降低。針對未來的相關研究,建議可透過質性研究方法了解使用者較常迴避的資訊主題,或者將研究對象擴及至其他社群媒體環境之使用者,並且進一步探究採取資訊迴避策略後,對當事者的後續之正負面影響。


For most of the people in modern society, the application of social media has been a part of their lives. Among various social media development in recent decadeds, Facebook is the most well-known and owns great number of user accounts. Despite that most people are acquainted with receiving information on Facebook, the possibility is that users might feel like to avoid some sort of information due to perceived information overload or social pressure. When an individual ignore or avoid information which are in fact available, it is the so-called “Information avoidance behavior”. There are few literature on information avoidance behavior in the context of Facebook, therefore this research take online questionnaire to understand Taiwanese Facebook users’ s related attitude and havior. The reseach scope includes information overload, social overload, negative emotion, social media fatigue and the causal information avoidance behavior. Besideds, this research discovers the difference of the abovementioned factors and information avoidance behavior among users with different demographic characteristics or social media usage pattern. Finally, the research finds out whether information overload, social overload, negative emotion, and social media fatigue would influence information avoidance behavior. The research result shows that females are more likely to feel information overload, social overload, negative emotion and social media fatigue than males. And they are more tend to take information avoidance behavior as strategy to cope with unwanted information. Compared with younger users, the mid-aged users are less likely to feel negative emotion or social media fatigue when using Facebook, on the other hand, the younger user such as 19-24 or 25-30 years old users, are more likely to take information avoidance reaction when they encounter unwanted posts on Facebook. For users who take less than 5 minutes per day to browse Facebook posts, their perceived information overload, social media fatigue, and the score of information avoidance are higher than other goups of users. The users who log in Facebook less than once per day share similar patterns. On the onterh hand, the difference between numbers of Facebook friends only shows difference on social media fatigue. Less but not least, the research result discloses that information overload and social overload would direct and positively influence users’ information avoidance behavior. Besides, negative emotion and social media fatigue would serve as intervening variable for information overload and social overload to indirectly influence user’s information avoidance behavior. Based on the research findings, suggestions in practice are provided for Facebook users or fanpage owners. In addition, several reseach advices are also noted for futural study on information avoidance behavior in social media context.


