  • 學位論文


The Platform Strategy for a Value Integrator

指導教授 : 湯明哲


顧客忠誠培育活動的最終目的在於透過商品優惠或特殊服務的設計,來鼓勵顧客的重覆購買,進一步貢獻公司的營收。市場上有許多不同類型的顧客忠誠活動,有單一商家的顧客忠誠活動,和結合許多商家的顧客忠誠活動。到底那一種方式的活動比較能夠帶來好的效益? 它是否會因為產業的不同,及經營成本的不同而產生不同的效益呢? 從市場的演變和操作上,我們可以看出複合商家的顧客忠誠活動是目前的主流,因為它能回應顧客及商家的不同需求,而提供更靈活,多樣化,便利且完整的服務。然而,仍有許多商家質疑這種複合商家的顧客忠誠活動所能帶來的真正利益,以及為了取得這些利益,他們可能要放棄的項目,如品牌的建立,顧客資料庫,和差異化的商品和服務。基本上,商家在參與複合商家的顧客忠誠活動的同時,仍應積極拓展其品牌知名度,提供差異化的商品,這些市場行銷的活動應該持續,且因為加入複合商家的顧客忠誠活動,可以做得更多樣化,更具成效。 另外,在營運複合。商家的顧客忠誠活動時,平台營運者的角色通常是負責提供,並操作營運平台及系統。此平台營運者的定位為何? 它與顧客與參與商家之間的關係如何界定,才能維持一定的平衡,並帶來最大的利益給參與的三方? 另外,平台營運者需要積極的在自己的核心能力上尋求在資料庫行銷,電子商務上的拓展,才可能增加他在這個價值網絡中的價值,並造成三贏的局面。


The fundamental objective of a loyalty program is to reward loyal behavior of customers with special services or offerings so that it can generate repeat purchases leading toward economic goals. From the market experience, we observe that multiple merchants loyalty program emerged as a trend and it provides complete benefit for both customers and participated merchants. However, there are some unanswered concerns of the true benefits a multiple merchant loyalty program can deliver and of the potential losses by joining the program, such as brand equity, customer database, and clear differentiation in market proposition. Consequently, the participated merchant should leverage the benefits from co-marketing based on the platform and continuously work on building its own brand and differentiation. In the operation of a multiple merchant loyalty program, the platform operator is defined as a sharing utility provider. What is the positioning a platform operator should take? What is the role and responsibility between the participated merchants and the platform operator? In order to enhance its propositions and importance in the value network, a platform operator should actively seek for expanding its existing businesses to database marketing and eCommerce. By doing so, it can reposition itself from a value integrator to a value creator.


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莊淑媚(2010)。消費者對聯合集點卡與特約商之 滿意度及忠誠度關聯性研究〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2010.01195

