  • 學位論文


The Sino-Japanese Relations and the Identity of Japan from the Perspective of PRC

指導教授 : 張登及


中國在制定與調整對日外交政策時,不僅有著出於理性考量而產生的對物質利益的追求,其實際還有著期盼能夠藉此模塑日本身份以使之符合自身期待的建 構主義非物質利益訴求。 本文以1949至2010年間中國的對日外交表現為研究對象,按照期間中日關係的現實狀況標準將之劃分為了三個階段,並進而以建構主義理論對它們分別進行了研究。藉助歷史分析法與論述分析法,本文研究驗證了:對應每一階段不同的中日關係現實狀況,中國分別表現出了三種不同的建構主義非物質利益訴求,其分別是:1949至1978年,中國希望藉助作為「兄長」領導日本人民反帝、反霸從而重新確立起自身在東亞地區的傳統優勢地位;1979至1993年,中國希望在實現本國現代化建設的基礎上,進一步透過闡明經濟建設與反霸事業的辯證關係來確保自身在東亞傳統秩序中的「兄長」式領導地位不受衝擊;以及1994至2010年,中國希望藉助領導日本人民一同反軍國主義而繼續將兩國關係框定在東亞傳統地 位排序的框架內。


When making and altering foreign policies towards Japan, China not only pursues certain material interests that are based on rational considerations, it also hopes to promote the constructed immaterial interests, which to be specific, is utilizing the policies to modify Japan’s identity and making the result fulfil China’s expectations. This paper carries out a research on Chinese foreign policies towards Japan during 1949 and 2010 from the perspective of Constitutionalism. According to the specific conditions between China and Japan at different times, the Sino-Japanese Relations can actually be divided into three distinctive periods. And with history analysis and discourse analysis as research methodology, this paper demonstrates that China does possess certain constructed immaterial interests in different periods. In the period from 1949 to 1978, China hopes to reclaim its traditional superiority in East Asia through leading the Japanese people to carry out the Anti-Imperialism and Anti- Hegemonism Movement with itself identified as “the elder brother”. In the period from 1979 to 1993, China hopes to achieve modernization on one hand, but to guarantee its traditional superiority in East Asia not be damaged by clarifying the dialectical relations between its Economy Construction and Anti-Hegemonism Movement on the other hand. And in the period from 1994 to 2010, China hopes to maintain the Sino-Japanese relations under the East Asian hierarchical structure through leading the Japanese people to carry out the Anti-Militarism Movement.


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