  • 學位論文


The Impact of Reading Food Nutrition Labels for Weight Control on Working Adults’Body Mass Index

指導教授 : 陳端容


超重和肥胖在全球是造成死亡的第五大風險,WHO更估計每年至少有280萬個成人死於超重或肥胖。根據我國行政院衛生署食品衛生處委託中央研究院執行『2005-2008年國民營養健康狀況變遷調查』結果,我國成人過重及肥胖比率為44.1%,其中男性占50.8%,女性占36.9%。依教育部97年調查學生身高體重資料顯示,兒童則是每4個人中就有1個人是過重或肥胖,可見過重或肥胖已逐漸成為國人的健康威脅。造成過重或肥胖的原因很多,其中飲食和身體活動模式被視為全球的共通問題,因此本研究欲以閱讀食品營養標示作為切入點,探討以閱讀食品營養標示控制體重對於BMI的影響,以提供未來規劃國人肥胖防治的一個參考。   本研究使用2005年國民健康調查資料庫,納入其中個人基本資料、自填式身高體重、健康行為及工作與經濟狀況四個部分,針對有工作的18~64歲個案進行分析,其中女性樣本共4585位,男性樣本共6219位。並以健康行為中的食品營養標示閱讀習慣,探討以閱讀食品營養標示控制體重對BMI的影響。為了控制其他共變項對閱讀食品營養標示的影響,我們使用傾向分數配對法(Propensity Score Matching ,PSM) 控制共變項,讓實驗組及控制組達到完全隨機化。   研究結果發現,不同性別影響其閱讀食品營養標示及控制體重的因子略有不同,但大體而言社會經濟地位較高者閱讀食品營養標示的比率較高,且閱讀食品營養標示的確和個體飲食型態有關,飲食型態越健康者其閱讀食品營養標示的比率較高,飲食型態較偏向高熱量及高糖分者其閱讀食品營養標示的比率較低。可從以上結果將閱讀食品營養標示視為健康行為的一環,但以閱讀食品熱量標示體重控制者其BMI較其他族群高,建議政府單位應重視國人對於營養素攝取的認知教育及相關政策施行,作為促進國人的健康的參考。


Overweight and obesity is the world's fifth largest cause of death risk, WHO also estimated that there are at least 2.8 million adults died of overweight or obese. According to the Department of Health, Executive Yuan, R.O.C (Taiwan), "2005-2008 National Nutrition and Health Survey" results of adult overweight and obesity rate of 44.1%, 50.8% were male. Women accounted for 36.9%. 2008 survey by the Ministry of Education student height and weight data show that one in four children are overweight or obese. Overweight and obese has become a health problem. Most of the overweight or obese are cause from diet and physical activity in global, so we focus on the effect of nutrition label using on Body Mass Index BMI. In order to provide obesity prevention and treatment plan at the future.   Using 2005 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), 18 to 64 year-old samples, 4585 female, 6219 male, include basic personal information, self-report height and weight, health behavior, the economic situation, and the health behavior in the food nutrition label reading. We use Propensity Score Matching (PSM) to control other variables.   Results showed that the factor of reading food nutrition labels in gender is slightly different. The using of nutrition labels is relative to higher social-economic status, healthy eating behavior, less high-calorie and high sugar eating patterns. The food nutrition using is a part of health behavior, but we found that the user have higher BMI than the other. Government agencies should pay attention to people recommended nutrient intake for cognitive education and related policy implementation, as a health promote information.


Obese PSM Nutrition


行政院衛生署國民健康局(2011 07.05)
