  • 學位論文


The Study on Occupational Exposure and Health Status among Bus Drivers

指導教授 : 宋鴻樟
共同指導教授 : 林嘉明(Jia-Ming Lin)


隨著都市發展,大眾運輸系統已成為民眾日常往來所需的工具,而公車是其中主要的工具之一。公車司機因工作需要長時間久坐,並暴露於交通與車體所發出的噪音、廢氣與振動之中,可能會對他們的健康造成影響。因此,必須針對公車司機職業暴露與可能的健康影響進行調查,以保障員工的健康與安全。 本研究以台北和新竹公車司機及行政人員為對象,測量公車司機在工作時受到噪音暴露及手-手臂振動的程度,並進行問卷訪視,收集員工健康檢查資料,進行比較。 在問卷調查方面,本研究共得到駕駛組183人及行政組104人,共287人回應問卷調查。駕駛組與行政組人員的平均年齡分別為47.2±7.1歲和45.8±7.8歲,工作年資為13.8±7.2和14.0±8.5年。駕駛組的教育程度以高中(職)為眾(54.1%),行政組則多大(專)學(51.9%)畢業。駕駛組有呼吸系統健康問題的粗勝算比為1.82(95% CI=1.12-2.92),約為行政組的兩倍。有18%的駕駛認為自己的健康狀況較差或非常差,並達到統計顯著水準。駕駛組與行政組在工作時有全身振動情形分別有43.7%與11.5%;有手-手臂振動情形分別有31.1%與14.4%,均達統計上顯著差異。 手-手臂振動調查共測量台北和新竹公車司機15及19人次振動資料。台北公車司機三軸方向振動量平均值分別為5.9、3.0、2.1 m/s2,新竹公車司機則分別為4.3、1.4、1.0 m/s2。公車司機每日工作時間約為8-9小時,依照我國法規規定,每日容頃吇S時間在四小時以上,未滿八小時,水平及垂直各方向局部振動最大加速度值不得超過4小時。根據採樣結果顯示,台北有7人次(46.7%)、新竹有7人次(36.8%)不符合標準。 在噪音暴露方面,收集到台北和新竹各有68人及70人,共138人接受個人噪音採樣。結果顯示,台北和新竹公車司機的TWA(日時量平均值) I 平均分別為52.2及61.2dB(A)。兩地司機個人噪音暴露劑量平均值分別為 1.5%與4.7%。利用噪音頻譜分析,台北以250Hz最高,平均值為64.7dB(A) 。新竹則以125Hz最高,平均值為65.4dB(A)。 在健康檢查方面,收集到駕駛組130人和行政組48人,共178人有完整的健康檢查與問卷調查資料。駕駛組和行政組BMI值分別為26.0和24.2;三酸甘油脂方面,駕駛組與行政組異常人數分別有40人(20.8%)和6人(12.5%),兩檢查項目皆達統計顯著差異。 藉由研究結果,建議應該要持續監測員工噪音和振動暴露情況,並針對健康異常項目進行追蹤,以維護公車司機健康,提昇工作效率。


With City development, public transportation systems, among buses, have become daily important tools. Bus drivers needs to sit for a long period, expose to noise and air pollution and vibration from traffic and vehicles. They all could make adverse effect to workers. We must investigate their occupational exposures and health status and protect health and safety of bus drivers. Samples in this study are bus drivers and administrators in Taipei and Hsinchu. We measured noise and vibration exposure of bus drivers when they are working. Then collected and compared questionnaire and health examination data. There were questionnaire data of 287 people. Average ages of workers are 47.2 ±7.1 and 45.8±7.8 years old. Average years of employment are 13.8±7.2 and 14.0±8.5. Education levels of bus drivers and administrators are senior high school and university graduated. Odds ratio of respiratory system in bus drivers is 1.82 (95% CI= 1.12-2.92), about two folds high than administrators. There are 18% drivers who thought them to have worse or worst health status. Self-reports of whole body vibration in these two groups are 43.7% and 11.5%, and hand- arm vibration are 31.1% and 14.4%. They all have significant differences. We collected hand-arm vibration data of 15 and 19 person-times. Average tri-accelerations are 5.9、3.0、2.1 m/s2 in Taipei and4.3、1.4、1.0 m/s2 in Hsinchu. According to our country law, if total daily exposure duration is above 4 hours not exceed 8 hours, component acceleration which shall not be exceeded 4 hours. There are seven drivers (46.7%)in Taipei and seven drivers(36.8%) in Hsichu are against the law. III We collected dosimeter data of 68 and 70 people, totally 138 samples. TWA of Taipei and Hsinchu driver are 52.2及61.2dB(A). Noise exposure dose are 1.5% and 4.7%. The highest noise frequency are 250Hz (64.7dB(A))in Taipei and 125Hz (65.4dB(A)) in Hsinchu. There were 130 drivers and 48 administrators, totally 178 people who had complete health examination and questionnaire data. Body Mass Index (BMI) of two groups are 26.0 and 24.2. There are 40(20.8%) and 6(12.5%) people of triglyceride dysfunction. BMI and triglyceride dysfunction have significant differences. With results, we should monitor status of vibration and noise of bus drivers. And trace dysfunctions of health examination. Then we hope to protect health and safety of bus drivers and raise their working efficiency.


vibration noise bus driver


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