  • 學位論文


Performance Assessment of Cascade Control Loops

指導教授 : 黃孝平


由於串級控制系統在化學工業上的廣泛使用,已經有陶多多的學者針對串級控制結構探討研究過,而串級控制系統使用的時機大多被認為是在外環路動態較慢,內環路較快的動態程序上適合使用,但並沒有一個真正的評估報告對各式各樣不同的串級結構進行測試,也沒有真正的研究指出內環路設定的不同對整體控制環路有何影響。 本文由單環路系統出發,再進入串級系統的討論,藉由模擬了解內外環路不同動態關係,評估串級系統對負荷干擾排除以及設定點追蹤性能的增進情形。


性能評估 串級 控制


The cascade control has been broadly applied in chemical industry. The cascade structure have been an active area of research for many years. Cascade control is thought to be a good control structure when the dynamics of the outer loop is slower than the inner loop, but there is no a detailed report to show that and what will be happened when different dynamic structure is replaced. In this work, we begin from the single loop system to the cascade control. This work assesses the performance of disturbance rejection and setpoint tracking by setting different inner and outer dynamic.


performance assessment control cascade


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