  • 學位論文


Study on the Production and Marketing Structures and the Strategies of Bamboo Charcoal Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李國忠


竹炭業是目前在台灣農業生產體系發展中之新興行業,本研究目的在探討國內竹炭業之產銷結構,分析國內竹炭市場之供給面與需求面,藉以評估竹炭業在國內之發展潛力,研擬國內竹炭業發展與競爭策略,提供該產業未來發展之參酌。主要研究方法包含:1.透過竹炭進口商之問卷調查與國內竹炭製炭造廠商之訪查,藉以瞭解國內竹炭供給量與消費量;2.應用問卷調查法蒐集消費者對竹炭相關產品之接受程度,分析國內竹炭消費者特質與推估市場未來之需求量;3.運用SWOT模式與Porter五力競爭模式分析國內竹炭業未來之發展潛力,提出國內竹炭產業發展與競爭策略研擬之建議。 本研究分析主要結果如下所列: 1.透過本研究總體環境面、經濟面、市場面、資源利用面與政府政策面綜合評估結果,顯示具有發展潛力。國內生產竹炭之供給量2003年約103 ton,2005年約202 ton;竹炭進口量2003年約304 ton,2005年約357 ton,整體消費量自2002年以來呈現增加之情況。國內竹炭製炭業之生產力評估值為1.73,生產毛利率約73.3%,其產值約為傳統竹材生產產值7.5倍之多。目前國內竹炭窯有29座,欲滿足國內竹炭市場目前需求量,竹炭窯合理設置數量應達67座。 2.國內竹炭業發展目前開始進入成長期階段,竹炭市場之需求有廣大成長空間,經營策略應以擴大市場需求為主要目標。欲達到擴大市場需求之目的,須加強竹炭功能與用途之宣傳,藉以教育消費大眾認識竹炭相關產品在提昇生活品質之用途與效能,提高消費者之購買意願。同時應強化產品品質、增加產品差異性,提供完善之售後服務,方能促進獲利能力之提昇。 3.自中國大陸進口之低價竹炭,是目前國內竹炭製炭廠商經營上面臨之最大威脅,無論在數量與價格上,國內竹炭製炭業均難與之競爭。面對此競爭威脅,國內竹炭製炭廠商在長期經營策略上應採行全面成本領導策略,不斷改善製程與管理,降低生產成本,縮小與中國大陸竹炭在價格上之差距。同時重視生產品質,以滿足消費者需求為導向創新產品用途,以利產品差異化與市場區隔,擺脫其競爭威脅。 4.願意購買竹炭之消費者在消費觀念上主要是具有高度之創新態度、高度之知覺風險及價格敏感度、重視竹炭之基本功能及環保功能、比較不會因竹炭之外觀與所具備之功能產生負面情感、容易因竹炭產品所產生之正面情感或個人之衝動情感而購買、綠色行動力高、容易受到專家學者與環保團體之影響購買竹炭、在意促銷與口碑。竹炭廠商在擬訂差異化或集中化之行銷策略時,應參酌此些消費者特質,以利市場區隔與定位,促進銷售量之提昇,增加廠商之利潤。 5.竹炭纖維是竹炭與紡織業結合現代科技賦予竹炭新生命之成功範例,結合科技進行跨領域之異業合作,可提高竹炭產業之產值。生物科技是未來產業發展趨勢,竹炭之應用若能與生物科技結合進行二次加工研發新用途、新產品,尤其是在生物醫學及生態農業領域研發利用,國內竹炭產業將有無限發展空間。


The bamboo charcoal industry is a new industry in the contemporary agricultural production system in Taiwan. The purposes of this study were to investigate the production and marketing structures, to analyze the market supply and demand, and to draw up profitable development and competition strategies of this industry in the future, using questionnaires to the bamboo charcoal importer and depth interviews to the domestic bamboo charcoal manufacturers, using another questionnaires to generic consumer to collect the acceptability of bamboo charcoal products, and then using the SWOT model and the Porter’s five force competitive framework to analyze the competivie environment. After synthetical estimated in the factors of macroenvironment, economics, market of supply and demand, resources utilization, and government policies, although the large amount of cheaper imported bamboo charcoals from mainland China is the greatest threat for the domestic bamboo charcoal manufacturers, the bamboo charcoal industry in Taiwan possesses good development potentiality in the future and it has entered into the growth stage. Its main strategic goals shall be set up to expand market demands with strengthening the publicity of bamboo charcoal multi-functions and to build more charcoal kilns. According to the function of the rational number of charcoal kiln, that was obtained in this study, it shall build more charcoal kilns to reach a rational amount of in 67 kilns to satisfy present demands for generic and industrial consumption. The amount of kiln there are only 29 kilns in Taiwan currently. In addition, the main consumption characteristics of consumers who are willing to buy bamboo charcoals are as follows: with high innovative attitude, with high consciousness risk and price sensitivity, emphasis basic functions of bamboo charcoal and environmental protection function, with less negative impression due to the appearance or functions of bamboo charcoals, with more positive impression from bamboo charcoal products or impetuous character, with higher active green consumption behaviors, with easier be influenced by experts, scholars and environmental protection group, with more care on the promotion and referrals. These consumption characteristics shall be considered as important factors when bamboo charcoal manufacturers and their marketing managers are going to plan marketing strategies.


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