  • 學位論文


Dis-entanglement the Multi-species relationship : An Ethnography of the Commodification and Shrimp Farming in Yilan, Taiwan

指導教授 : 洪伯邑


人類世下人與環境的關係一直是社會科學長期關注的議題。自然扮演的角色日益重要,成就了當今本體論上的非人類轉向。然而,後馬克思主義學者對自然商品化與動物勞動的批判分析,塑造了非人與人類社會間不一樣的歷史觀點。對此,本文借鑒以上兩種理論,以台灣北部宜蘭縣蝦養殖的過程為案例,試圖理解自然邁向商品化的過程如何在兩種理念間拉扯:生命糾纏(Entanglement)與「活的商品」(Lively Commodities)。 本文將闡述在養蝦過程中,漁民必須學習與魚塭共感(learn to be affected),並盡可能理解魚塭的「窟性」,即魚塭生態系的糾纏,這將成為自然商品化的必要條件;然而當市場邏輯企圖將魚塭從糾纏中解開(disentangle),進而讓蝦子邁向「活的商品」時,人類又是如何受自身的視角的侷限,使得我們「只能逼近,無法企及」魚塭中的糾纏。此現象使得養蝦的過程充斥了不確定性,造就了蝦商品化過程的「風險」。漁民必須在不同的風險中審慎抉擇,以追求魚塭的生產實作能夠符合商品化的道路。養蝦對於漁民來說,是個在不穩定與重重問題的情況下尋求機會的過程,而人與自然也在糾纏與解纏不斷地拉扯下共同演化,如何從解纏中邁向更好的糾纏,是當今人類世下人與環境關係的突破口。


多物種 糾纏 解纏 自然商品化 養殖漁業 蝦養殖 宜蘭


Human environment relations have always been a central focus of social sciences. The role of nature is becoming ever more central in the studies, and is the driving force behind the nonhuman turn. However, the critical analysis of the commercialization of nature and animal labor by post-Marxist scholars has shaped different historical views between humans and non-humans. This article draws on two theoretical perspectives, and uses the process of shrimp farming in Yilan, Taiwan as a case study to understand how the process of nature's commercialization is based on two concepts: life "entanglement" and "lively commodities." This thesis will explain that in the process of shrimp farming, farmers must "learn to be affected" and try to understand the entanglement of the shrimp pond ecosystem, which will become a necessary condition for the commercialization of nature. However, while the market demands attempts to "disentangle" the shrimp from entanglement, turning the shrimp into a "living commodity", human beings are still limited by their own perspective, such that we "only approach, but not reach" the entanglement in the shrimp farm. This phenomenon makes the process of shrimp farming full of uncertainty, creating lots of "risks" in the process of shrimp commercialization. Shrimp farmers must constantly adjust during the breeding process, continue creating opportunities for change, in order to reach a sustainable future. For farmers, shrimp farming is a process of seeking opportunities in the face of instability and problems. Human and nature are also co-evolving under the constant entanglement and disentanglement. How to move from disentanglement to better entanglement, is a breakthrough in the relationship between human and the environment in Anthropocene.


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