  • 學位論文


Stock Plant Management and Cutting Propagation of Petunias

指導教授 : 葉德銘
共同指導教授 : 楊雯如


營養系矮牽牛(Petunia ×hybrida Hort. Vilm.-Andr.)耐候性較種子系強,可生產夏季矮牽牛盆花。目前少有關於營養系矮牽牛母株管理及扦插繁殖的研究,亟待建立相關資料,本論文探討光積值、溫度、肥料、摘心程度與益收生長素對營養系矮牽牛‘Sunray’與‘Cascadias Pink Spark Improved’母株生長、插穗產量、插穗發根與生長之影響。 取穗母株於光積值6.9、10.7及15.7 mol•m-2•d-1 下處理56天,以10.7及15.7 mol•m-2•d-1處理者有較高光飽和點及淨光合作用速率,而以10.7 mol•m-2•d-1處理者有較高地上部與根乾重、插穗產量、葉綠素計讀值及葉片厚度,且帶花苞插穗數較15.7 mol•m-2•d-1處理者少。而低光積值6.9 mol•m-2•d-1處理不利母株生長與插穗澱粉、蔗糖、葡萄糖、果糖累積。栽培於光積值10.7及15.7 mol•m-2•d-1的母株所生產插穗有較高發根率、葉綠素計讀值與枝梢乾重,其中‘Sunray’於光積值10.7 mol•m-2•d-1處理下之葉數較多,‘Cascadias Pink Spark Improved’以光積值6.9及10.7 mol•m-2•d-1處理有較高根數及根乾重。 兩參試品種插穗於光積值9.1、15.2及26.8 mol•m-2•d-1下扦插14天,以9.1 mol•m-2•d-1處理者有較佳地上部及根生長。而葉綠素螢光值皆隨扦插時間增加而下降,以26.8 mol•m-2•d-1處理者下降幅度較大。 兩參試品種母株栽培於平均溫度19.0、22.8及27.4 ℃下處理56天,皆以27.4 ℃處理者有較高光飽和點,但22.8 ℃處理之淨光合作用速率及插穗產量較高。帶花苞插穗數隨栽培溫度提高而增加,且27.4 ℃處理之知插穗葉綠素計讀值、葉片厚度、莖徑及碳水化合物濃度較低。母株栽培於平均溫度19.0及22.8 ℃生產之插穗於扦插後有較高根數及根乾重,且19.0 ℃生產之插穗有較高葉數及葉綠素計讀值。 兩參試插穗於平均氣溫17.8、23.5及27.3 ℃下扦插14天,其中17.8 ℃處理者於試驗期間內均未發根,增加溫度至23.5或27.3 ℃會提高插穗發根率、根數、根長及根乾重,且27.3 ℃處理會提高插穗之枝梢長及葉數。兩參試品種插穗於未加溫18.2 ℃、根溫24.7及27.8 ℃下扦插14天,根溫27.8 ℃處理之插穗有較高發根率、根長及根乾重。 母株每週施用一次自來水(對照組)、200、400或600 mg•L-1 N肥料處理56天後,以400及600 mg•L-1 N處理者有較高插穗產量,且帶花苞插穗數較200 mg•L-1 N處理者低,而施肥處理者之插穗較對照組有較高葉綠素計讀值及葉片厚度,並且兩參試品種皆以400及600 mg•L-1 N處理所生產之插穗有較多根數。‘Sunray’以400及600 mg•L-1 N處理所生產插穗有較長根長,而‘Cascadias Pink Spark Improved’則有較高根乾重。 插穗於扦插後及扦插一週後澆灌二次蒸餾水、0.5、1.0或1.5 g•L-1之20N-4.6P-16.6K肥料,施用0.5-1.5 g•L-1肥料可提高‘Sunray’插穗發根率、根數及根長,而‘Cascadias Pink Spark Improved’則以0.5 g•L-1處理者有較高根數及根乾重。 具10節且帶花苞之植株處理淺摘心、中摘心及強摘心,21天後以淺摘心及中摘心處理者有較多插穗產量,但帶花苞插穗數較強摘心處理者多,無法有效維持母株營養生長。 取頂芽下第1-2、3-4、5-6及7-8節插穗扦插14天,‘Sunray’之1-4節插穗發根表現較佳,而‘Cascadias Pink Spark Improved’則以3-8節插穗發根較佳。 帶一個可見花苞之插穗於扦插當日及扦插一週後噴施二次蒸餾水、50或100 mg•L-1益收生長素,14天後,益收生長素處理者皆能有效抑制開花,50 mg•L-1益收生長素處理者可提高兩品種之插穗發根率及‘Cascadias Pink Spark Improved’插穗之根數、根長及根乾重。


矮牽牛 母株 扦插 光積值 溫度 施氮肥


Vegetatively propagated petunia (Petunia ×hybrida Hort. Vilm.-Andr.) cultivars are more heat-tolerant than seed-propagated cultivars, and thus are used as potted flowers in summer. The study on management and propagation of vegetatively propagated petunia is presently limited. Effects of daily light integral, temperature, fertilization, pinching and ethephon treatments were studied on stock plant growth, and cutting propagation of petunia ‘Sunray’ and ‘Cascadias Pink Spark Improved’. Stock plants were grown with daily light integral 6.9, 10.7, or 15.7 mol•m-2•d-1 for 56 days. Both cultivars had higher light saturation points and net photosynthetic rate under 10.7 and 15.7 mol•m-2•d-1 than those under 6.9 mol•m-2•d-1. Maximum shoot and root dry weights, cutting yields, SPAD-502 values and leaf thickness were obtained in plants at 10.7 mol•m-2•d-1. High daily light integral at 15.7 mol•m-2•d-1 increased cuttings with flower buds. Starch, sucrose, glucose and fructose concentrations of both two cultivars cuttings were lower under 6.9 mol•m-2•d-1 than the other two treatments. Subsequent rooting percentage, SPAD-502 value, and shoot dry weight of both cultivars were higher under 10.7 and 15.7 mol•m-2•d-1. ‘Sunray’ cuttings had more leaves at 10.7 mol•m-2•d-1. Root number and dry weight of ‘Cascadias Pink Spark Improved’ were higher at 6.9 and 10.7 mol•m-2•d-1. Both cultivars cuttings were planted under daily light integrals 9.1, 15.2, or 26.8 mol•m-2•d-1 for 14 days. Better shoot and root growth was obtaned under 9.1 mol•m-2•d-1 treatment. Chlorophyll fluorescent declined more significantly under 26.8 mol•m-2•d-1 treatment. Stock plants were grown under mean temperatures of 19.0, 22.8, or 27.4 ℃ for 56 days. Both cultivars at 27.4 ℃ had higher light saturation points, while those at 22.8 ℃ had higher net photosynthesis rate. ‘Sunray’ at 19.0 ℃ had higher root dry weight, while ‘Cascadias Pink Spark Improved’ at 27.4 ℃ had higher shoot dry weight. Both cultivars at 22.8 ℃ produced more cuttings. Plants at 27.4 ℃ had most cuttings with flower buds, but had lowest SPAD-502 value, leaf thickness, stem diameter and carbohydrate concentration. Both two cultivars had higher root number and dry weight when grown from 19.0 and 22.8 ℃, and had higher leaf number and SPAD-502 value when grown from 19.0 ℃. Both cultivars cuttings were rooted under mean temperatures of 17.8, 23.5, or 27.3 ℃. Cutting at 17.8 ℃ were unrooted after 14 days, while cuttings at 23.5 or 27.3 ℃ had higher rooting, shoot length, and leaf number. Cuttings of both cultivars were treated with root temperatures of 18.2, 24.7 or 27.8 ℃ for 14 days. Most rooting percentage, root length and root dry weight were obtained in cuttings at 27.8 ℃. Both cultivars stock plants were fertilized with water, 200, 400 or 600 mg•L-1 N for 56 days. The fertilizer treatments increased the shoot and root dry weights, and cutting SPAD-502 value and leaf thickness compared to water only. Both cultivars had increased cutting yield under 400 and 600 mg•L-1 N, and reduced number of cuttings with flower buds as compared with 200 mg•L-1 N. Subsequent rooting of cuttings was better when both cultivars were treated with 400 and 600 mg•L-1 N, but better shoot growth was at 200 and 400 mg•L-1 N. Water and solutions of 0.5, 1.0 or 1.5 g•L-1 20N-4.6P-16.6K were applied to cuttings at day 0 and 7 after planting. After 14 days, the rooting percentage, and number and length of roots increased when ‘Sunray’ cuttings were supplied with 0.5-1.5 g•L-1 fertilizer solution, and root number and dry weight increased when ‘Cascadias Pink Spark Improved’ cuttings were supplied with 0.5 g•L-1 fertilizer solution. Stock plants with flower buds and ten nodes were treated with soft, medium and hard pinch. After 21 days, the soft and medium pinch treatments increased cutting yield, but number of cuttings with flower buds was higher than hard pinch treatment. Cuttings with 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, or 7-8 nodes (counted from the apex) were used for propation. After 14 days, cuttings from 1-4 nodes of ‘Sunray’ and 3-8 nodes of ‘Cascadias Pink Spark Improved’ had better root growth. Cutting with flower buds were treated with water, 50 or 100 mg•L-1 ethephon at day 0 or 7 after planting. After 14 days, ethephon treatments caused flower abortion of cuttings. Ethephon at 50 mg•L-1 treatment increased cuttings rooting percentage, and root number, root length and dry weight of ‘Cascadias Pink Spark Improved’.


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劉子瑄. 2008. 矮牽牛品種及其自交或雜交後代之耐熱性與花朵性狀表現. 國立臺灣大學園藝研究所碩士論文.
周慶安. 2008. 溫度對非洲鳳仙花及光合作用之影響. 國立臺灣大學園藝研究所博士論文.
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