  • 學位論文


Exploring the Meaning of Playing Otome Games for Taiwanese Gamers in a Gendered Context

指導教授 : 司黛蕊


近年來,以女性為目標消費者的動漫文化在台灣市場蓬勃發展,不僅商機引起媒體的注意,其高度性別化的特質也成為學界研究關注的主題之一。本研究的考察對象「乙女遊戲」,即是這波女性向動漫文化的一環。「乙女」一詞,在日文中意指少女;而所謂「乙女遊戲」則是指從女性觀點出發,以多重敘事的架構描寫異性戀愛情故事的戀愛模擬遊戲。 本研究的主要發問可分為三個面向,包括:首先,從遊戲文本面來看,乙女遊戲的文本如何再現性別角色與親密關係?其中隱含何種性別意識型態?其次,台灣的乙女遊戲玩家如何看待遊戲文本當中的性別互動?在遊戲時,他們期待、排斥看到什麼樣的劇情?最後,從玩家所處的社會脈絡來看,玩家們具有哪些共同的社會特質?哪些因素形塑玩家的性別意識?而將玩乙女遊戲這件事放回玩家所處的生活情境下來看,遊戲之於玩家的意義、性別意涵為何? 本研究發現,就文本而言,乙女遊戲的性別意識型態是有異質性的。除了不同遊戲的性別政治表現有進步或保守之別外,同一款遊戲中,不同劇情路線的性別互動描寫亦可能有顯著的差異。此外,在性描寫部分,相較於一般以男性為目標消費者的性文本,乙女遊戲當中的性場景雖也同時包含以情感互惠為基礎和涉及暴力、非合意性行為等類型,其共同特點在於從女性觀點出發,細緻的描寫女性的主體感受並在畫面上凸顯男性被凝視的身體,提供女性較友善的性幻想材料。其次,檢視玩家對乙女遊戲文本的期待與批判,則可看出台灣社會近年來性別文化的變遷,包括在資本主義與女性主義的影響下,獨立、有能力且不依靠男性的女性成為玩家心中理想的女主角設定;而自90年代以來,主流陽剛氣質內涵轉變則解釋了玩家們對遊戲中男性角色的偏好:一方面,玩家們期待在遊戲中看見男性角色展現出有別於現實男性的細膩、溫柔,但另一方面他們仍期待遊戲裡的男性角色具有霸權陽剛氣質所核可的男子氣概,例如負責可靠、有能力守護女性,不太過女性化等。 進一步來看,玩家們對遊戲文本的詮釋策略不僅反映他們所處的社會脈絡,也反映了生命經驗、重要他人的性別論述和文化資本等不同變因如何作用在個人身上,促使他們對不同的性別議題採取特定的立場。例如對乙女遊戲中性場景的接受度、對不同性別意涵親密關係腳本的偏好。最後,我也在本研究中指出,除了消費「政治正確」的愛情文本外,玩乙女遊戲之於玩家的意義有二,一是作為東浩紀(2001)所說的資料庫消費,另一則是消費情緒勞動,獲得受限於現實生活中的性別環境而無法獲得的情感體驗。


Recently, Japanese ACG(Anime, Comic and Game )products aimed at women consumers have gained significant popularity in Taiwan. Otome game is also one of them. Otome game(乙女ヴみу), also called “Women’s Games”, refers to a specific game category aimed at women consumers. This study intends to offer an in-depth analysis of Otome gamers in Taiwan, discussing the meaning of playing Otome game in a gendered context. The whole study could be divided into three major parts: the gender politics of Otome games, the interpretation of gamers and the interrelation of gamers’ real-world experience and their gaming experience. In this sudy, I choose four Otome games to conduct text analysis. On the other side, I also interviewed 16 Otome gamers to realize their gaming experience. The study finds that the gender politics of game texts are variant. Otome games sometimes portrays relatively progressive gender relationship and challenge gender stereotype. However, conservative gender ideology could also be found in this genre at times. Gamers’ preference or criticism of story and characters in Otome games implies their gender ideological position, which is mostly shaped by the social context they situated in. Besides, gamers’ life experience, advice offered by their significant others, and cultural capital also significantly influence their interpretation and expectation of Otome game text. The study also finds that although gamers could recognize the gender politic problem in game text, finding “politically correct” content is not their major motivation for playing Otome games. As for gamers, playing Otome game is kind of “Database Comsumption” described by Azuma Hiroki (2001), in which gamers consume the affective elements they desire. At the same time, Otome games also fulfill female gamers’ demand for emotion work, which they fail to ask from men in real life.


張瑋容(2013)。〈從BL 妄想看另類情慾建構─以台灣腐女在執事喫茶中的妄想實踐為例〉。《女學學誌》,32:97-133。

