  • 學位論文

互聯網+對餐飲企業策略規劃之影響分析- 以中國連鎖餐飲Acasia為例

Impact of Internet+ for Strategic Planning of Chinese Chain Restaurant Business: Study of Acasia Food

指導教授 : 陳俊忠


企業如何對應快速的環境變化,制定企業的中長期策略,以確保企業在市場的競爭力,是企業經營的最上層目標。所以時時認清企業在市場的位置,以及各個『參與者』和『自我企業』的互動關係,已經變得和自己企業的能力發展息息相關了。特別是行動互聯網時代的來臨,許多破壞性的創新商業模式不僅快速的崛起,更在不知不覺中將傳統商業模式給顛覆給消滅了。2013年的中國正是這樣的一個年代。原本落後的商業市場利用自己龐大的市場為基礎,加上行動互聯網的基礎建設完成,人才,資金等養分孕育下,產生了引領亞洲市場的互聯網+產業。 本研究利用餐飲市場為主軸,從了解外在環境的變化開始,再以實體餐飲企業為研究對象,利用價值網的分析方法,讓企業如何可以善用尋找互補者,善用行動互聯網的網路外部性優勢進而建構平台經濟圈的合作模式。 互聯網+的革命才開始,期待可以利用理論分析可以充分的認知到市場不再是封閉市場,如何早日定位和新興互聯網企業間的關係,使之成為互補者而不是競爭者,共同擴大產業的利益。


Facing the rapid environment changes, how to formulate and revise long-term business strategies is the most important issue for company to maintain the competitiveness in the market. So, how to identify the position of enterprises in the market timely and identify the interactions with each participants, are as important as company's development. Especially under the impact of portable Internet age coming, many destructive and innovative business models are created. Not only fast, even unknowingly to destroy the traditional business model and wipe out traditional businesses. In 2013, in China is such a time. The behind market based on her huge business market and Internet infrastructure building action, plus people and capital support, which nurtured a leading “Internet +” industry. To study the food and beverage market as the spindle, starts from the understanding of changes in the external environment, then the entity catering enterprises, Acasia Food, for case study, through the Value Net analysis, the companies can clarify and find complementary partners ,utilize the advantage of the Internet advantage network externalities to construct Platform Economic Cooperation. The Internet+ revolution has been started, looking forward to using the theoretical analysis can fully recognize the market is no longer a closed market. To identify the complementary relationship with new Internet+ companies as soon as possible and cooperate each other to expand the market value instead of competing in the future.


5. 傑弗瑞.帕克(Geoffrey G.Parker), 馬歇爾.范艾爾史泰恩(Marshall W.Van Alstyne), 桑吉.喬德利(Sangeet Paul Choudary)著 ; 李芳齡譯(2015) 平台經濟模式 : 從啟動、獲利到成長的全方位攻略 / 天下雜誌出版
1. Donald C.Hambrick and James W.Fredrickson(2001),Strategy Diamond, Academy of Management Executive, 2001,Vol.15, No 4,
2. The Value Net Model,Building the Right Market Relationships: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/value-net-model.htm
